Arizona Chickens

I moved the 4 NN chick's that I still have that hatched on good Friday out of the brooder into the grow-out pen yesterday. Then I sat out there on my bucket until they settled down and I seen that they realized where the food and water was at.

I think that I should try to candle the egg's that are in the incubator tonight. I set them on the 19th, so they are going to be starting day 8. Hatch is due on May 10th.
Does anyone here like Brussel Sprout's? I found this recipe to try, and that dipping sauce look's like it would be good also.

Roasted Brussel Sprout's:

1) Take your brussel sprouts, cut off the very end and then cut in half.
2) Place is a ziplock back with some olive oil, salt & pepper (or your choice of seasonings)
3) Place brussel sprouts flat-side down on a baking sheet or cast iron skillet
4) Roast for 20 minutes at 425F to 450F, turning half way if needed until well tender and roasted.
5) Drizzle with balsamic vinegar & serve

Aioli Dipping Sauce:

1 cup Hellman's mayonnaise (gotta be real mayo)
2 small cloves finely chopped garlic
2 tablespoons Dijon Stone Ground Mustard
2 teaspoons sherry vinegar (don't sub this)
1 teaspoon Spanish paprika
Dash of white pepper

Mix, refrigerate. Enjoy!
Could be that our state's experts read a worthy study about masks:
Pretty sure they didn't read anything... did you read that?? It is determining whether the masks are protecting the wearer, or containing the virus in people who are infected, in adults, in outside areas... it doesn't mention kids, it doesn't mention classrooms... another example.. of.. nothing.

And an observed group of 50 infections... come on. THINK!!!
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It's basically an overhyped seasonal flu. I know you're frustrated by having to keep your kids home, but we're living in a society that has gone off the deep end.

The guy was supposed to start work on the chicken palace today. It was supposed to be a non-windy day with a slight chance of rain. Yup. It's been raining all day.
It's basically an overhyped seasonal flu. I know you're frustrated by having to keep your kids home, but we're living in a society that has gone off the deep end.

The guy was supposed to start work on the chicken palace today. It was supposed to be a non-windy day with a slight chance of rain. Yup. It's been raining all day.
There is never a year where 500+k people in the u.s. end up dead and how many are hospitalized, because of the flu. Keep up the great math skills America..
I find it interesting to compare Florida to New York and California. I did notice that COVID didn’t seem to matter in California any longer once Newsome was being recalled over his response to COVID.
What was interesting about California, the number of cases were proportional to the population size.. it tended to stay right around the average national rate. Whereas states, like AZ, with less than 1/5th the population, had a much higher rate than the national average. But.. math skills.

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