Arizona Chickens

Well, I am a little nervous. I ordered 20 chicks and they are to arrive today. the nursery is ready, the light up and they will be in the garage. Hope they all survive. The PO is to call when they come they? I hope so. I would much rather have done it natures way, you know the rooster, the hen, eggs, they hatch and she cares for them. does anyone have that set up any more? Hens still take care of chicks right? Maybe I will get a rooster this time and we can try that for the next batch....
Just had to tell someone. Thanks for listening.
I am a big fan of the old fasioned way! Much less work and mess! Much easier integration into the flock, and the list goes on. The only draw back is that they aren't as friendly that way. They do warm up eventually, but won't be as friendly as those that are hand raised. Your birds will see you as their mamma!
I think the old fashioned way is great if you cansegregate the broody hen from the flock. I'm just not set up for that yet. I have some eggs under a broody right now, but another one has gotten into her nest and eaten a few.
Bob's Henhouse, you have a lot of birds! Wow, they look beautiful too. After I saw the pic of your incubator, I should have known you'd have quite a flock.

gckiddhouse, congratulations on the eggs!

ArizonaDesertChicks, I know what you mean about low egg production. About a week ago my number slipped to 2 a day (from 6 birds). I think a third bird has started molting.

DM, I hope your chicks arrived O.K.!

Beckyhsinglsc, nice new coop! Your little birds will love it.
As some of you know, I am moving out of state. Today while I was going through my things I found a box of stuff from the USDA that I sent off for a few months back. It's all about BIOSECURITY! There are cds and dvds, pamphlets, spiral bound type books, things about transportation of birds, different diseases that can affect your birds and how to spot it and treat it and on and on. It's all in a handy dandy little cardboard box and I will gladly give it all to whomever for FREE!! It's all brand new stuff. Honestly I just hate to throw out perfectly good information and booklets. Please know that I am located at roughly 35th ave and Deer Valley Rd. I will be having a huge yard sale this weekend so that would be a perfect time to stop by and pick it up if you are in the area. No you don't have to hang out at my yard sale, it just happens to be when I will be home. LOL If you are interested in it just private message me here on byc or on my facebook
Gallo Del Cielo tied first place for the feeder contest!

gckiddhouse: congrats on all the eggs! Almost a dozen a day is awesome!

Beckyhsinglsc: I like the brooder, but you need to paint it purple to match the other coop! That is the best color ever!

, these are some of your chickens that hatched at my friend's house, mixed up with I don't know what types:


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Bob's Henhouse :

Mahonri ,would you have a talk with these chicks and tell them to quit flopping over onto their backs? I found one of the Ameraucanas doing that, and almost unresponsive when I came in from feeding the flock, and I had just checked on them before I went out.

Not a great pic, but here's an idea of what the coop looks like.

What do you "flopping over onto their backs" - Is this a joke that I don't get (insider joke) or are some of your chickens dying with no probable cause?​
Gallo de cielo, congrats on the win!

Arizona Desert Chick, 3 of the chicks from this hatch wound up on their backs, lost balance flopping around I guess since they are pretty wobbly, and only 1 has survived to this point. 1 had problems with it's legs, so I can kind of understand that. But if they can't flip themselves back over it's like they drown/suffocate. 1 had fluid coming from it's beak.
Bob - you can try putting small clean rocks in the trench of the chick waterer. Its saved a few chicks for me. I arrainge them so they cant get their heads in there. I also add a small amount of sugar to the water if anyone acts like they are having trouble. I also bought a pack of gro gel that I give to all my chicks. I think it helps some, but can't save them all.
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