Arizona Chickens

It's dang cold here, so mine are all sleeping now...since I keep them out in the barn. I think it's finally time to turn the heat on - it was 35 in my house yesterday morning @ 6:30.

in the house?
What was it outside? (Just a rhetorical question, this already qualifies as way too cold and measurements are not necessary.)
It's dang cold here, so mine are all sleeping now...since I keep them out in the barn. I think it's finally time to turn the heat on - it was 35 in my house yesterday morning @ 6:30.

35 farenheight? i don't even know what 35 degrees celcius is. maybe i need to go back to school, or not. but i turned my heat on when it hit 70 farenheight in my house. course, i wear pants in the summer. i chill easily

35° Celsius is my kinda temp! (95° F)
did those come in with the bran? Do they (including all parts and developmental stages) survive freezing for 24 hours? (I was just getting ready to add more bran to my colony and discovered bugs in my bran
It's dang cold here, so mine are all sleeping now...since I keep them out in the barn. I think it's finally time to turn the heat on - it was 35 in my house yesterday morning @ 6:30.

in the house?
What was it outside? (Just a rhetorical question, this already qualifies as way too cold and measurements are not necessary.)

35 degrees FAHRENHEIT IN the house!!! I believe it was 33 outside...wasn't as concerned about that since I was inside & wishing it was warmer. Turned heater on yesterday & it was a comfortable 57 inside this morning - thank goodness
I was actually able to convince the kids (in about 10 minutes) to get out of bed today

I can't handle the AZ heat - that's why I'm down here in "no man's land" (Sierra Vista)...we actually get something that almost resembles seasons (at least 3 of them anyway). I am perfectly fine with 20-80 fahrenheit OUTSIDE, but I like it comfy inside - say 60-70.
in the house?
What was it outside? (Just a rhetorical question, this already qualifies as way too cold and measurements are not necessary.)

35 degrees FAHRENHEIT IN the house!!! I believe it was 33 outside...wasn't as concerned about that since I was inside & wishing it was warmer. Turned heater on yesterday & it was a comfortable 57 inside this morning - thank goodness
I was actually able to convince the kids (in about 10 minutes) to get out of bed today

I can't handle the AZ heat - that's why I'm down here in "no man's land" (Sierra Vista)...we actually get something that almost resembles seasons (at least 3 of them anyway). I am perfectly fine with 20-80 fahrenheit OUTSIDE, but I like it comfy inside - say 60-70.

Not jealous! We have a super insulated house. It never gets below 75 even with 27 outside and we don't use a heater ever. That's courtesy of appliances (and pets
) emitting enough heat. Which in turn means we have to cool the house in the summer, bummer.
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I'm pretty sure they didn't come in the bran. While I don't have any evidence, I'm pretty sure they came in with the chicken feed that I gave them. I had been pouring in the crumbly bits left over from the bottom of the treadle feeder before filling it again. The problem is that I didn't freeze it first. I had added the chicken feed to a colony I had in a very large plastic bin, but I didn't add it to the smaller 10 gallon aquarium colony. The mini-mealworms first showed up in the large colony, then a couple months later in the smaller colony, which sat right next to the large colony. I can't rule out that they simply crawled in through the tops though (and not transported in with the feed). Both containers had openings large enough for them to fit through. I'm now freezing all grain products first. Since I started keeping them outside I've always had a small but stable population of different beetles, but those mini-mealworms were explosive.

Oh, I forgot to add, I don't think many pests will survive the freezer for 24 hours.
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It's dang cold here, so mine are all sleeping now...since I keep them out in the barn. I think it's finally time to turn the heat on - it was 35 in my house yesterday morning @ 6:30.

35 farenheight? i don't even know what 35 degrees celcius is. maybe i need to go back to school, or not. but i turned my heat on when it hit 70 farenheight in my house. course, i wear pants in the summer. i chill easily

So far I've had both heat pumps turned completely off since the end of October
Hoping for a nicely reduced billing--and maybe instead of the continual increase in monthlly payments, it will be reduced (we're on the plan where you are supposed to pay the same amount every month of the year--can't recall what it is called).
35 farenheight? i don't even know what 35 degrees celcius is. maybe i need to go back to school, or not. but i turned my heat on when it hit 70 farenheight in my house. course, i wear pants in the summer. i chill easily

So far I've had both heat pumps turned completely off since the end of October
Hoping for a nicely reduced billing--and maybe instead of the continual increase in monthlly payments, it will be reduced (we're on the plan where you are supposed to pay the same amount every month of the year--can't recall what it is called).

It's called "equalizer". We have that too. They kept charging us the same amount as in our old house except we used much less energy. It took a hammer to make them realize that they needed to cut our monthly payment in half! We already had a huge positive balance with them and they sent us a letter that they were going to increase our equalizer payment because the average household in AZ used more electricity...
I can't wait to tell my daughter. She's worried that she's getting a "B" in calculus.
She loves Chem, though. It's her favorite class right now.
I didn't have to take chem in college but I enjoyed it in H.S. I don't remember any of it of course so when my daughters and husband start talking chemistry I'm lost.
That said, I followed your first post fine. Biology (and business) is more my forte.

I've got a jacket on at 75! (2nd generation Arizona desert native)
Our house has high ceilings so most of our heating money goes up there. It seems to help in the summers, though.

My mealworms have to stay outside. They'll just have to take their chances on the back porch. I don't like their smell and there is absolutely no room in the garage right now!
I'll just have to start over if they freeze. They're doing alright so far.

I wish we had more room for cute little chickens. The ones we have room for have to earn their keep. Maybe when the kids move out and we don't have as many people to feed...

I know I'm missing something... how was that for a shot-gun post, Mikey?

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