Arizona Chickens

I think silkies can be slow to mature. Not all banty breeds, though.

My kitten went to get neutered. He was really good in the car, I felt so bad taking him in for surgery. He thought he was Just going for a fun car ride, then the vet was giving him all that wonderful attention and that was great too. Little did he know it was all a mean trick.
He's sleeping under the bed now, all doped up on pain drugs, poor guy.

Of my 8 Ameraucana girls, only 3 are laying and very sporadically.
Of my 3 Marans, I'm getting about 3 a week from all of them. SAD I KNOW!

My SLW, BR and Production Red are the only ones keeping me in eggs.
I could build you a polished aluminum diamond plate feeder for around $550...

J/K - If I started another project The control tower would revolk my flight status!

Oh! Nice
I was thinking Honeyman would trackle that project yesterday but got sucked into "work"-the perils of working from home is that you seem to be always working...

Thanks for the advice of the Western Ranchman store too guys/gals.
Now they're going to give you dirty looks when you don't let them out on a regular basis.

I'm sure you're right.

That infamous "chicken stink eye"

I let em out just about every day as long as I am home before dark and only in the last week unattended, but only for short periods of time.

Now they think they own the place!

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