Arkansas folks speak up.........

Well, we had our very first chicken loss last night. Went out to close the coop and found my Brahma bantam girl. She'd gotten out of their temp yard and something got her.

I know what I'll be keeping an eye out for now as far as our next hen purchase/swap goes.
Well, we had our very first chicken loss last night. Went out to close the coop and found my Brahma bantam girl. She'd gotten out of their temp yard and something got her.

I know what I'll be keeping an eye out for now as far as our next hen purchase/swap goes.

Sorry for your loss.

I too lost 3 baby chicks yesterday, can't figure out why they didn't act sick or anything. They were 1 week old yesterday.

The day before I had to get rid of one of my hens, she was acting poorly, when I picked her up she was almost skin and bones, don't understand that one either, that has happened before with other chickens. Just seems like they give up and try to die.
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Southeast Arkansas near Monticello!
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