Arkansas folks speak up.........

Most of the snow has melted now. There is/still some in the shaded areas. The roads are mostly all clkeated and are driveable. I hope to never see this much snow again in my life.

Awwwww! I miss the snow! I figure if it is going to be so stinking cold, it might as well be pretty.
We lived in Alaska, and they get REAL snow.
Yeah, I'd say Alaska has real snow. I enjoyed a few days off. Over all they were relaxing just hanging with the boys. However, my oldest son and I function best with a routine so I'm kinda secretly glad we are back in school.
Fresh from the incubator:

1 Blue Copper Naked Neck chick &
4 Black Copper Naked Neck chicks.


1 Barred Naked Neck chick
1Dark Red/Brown most likely will be Orange Barred Baked Neck chick.

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