Arkansas folks speak up.........

I looked in most all the lists here an seen only a few folks from AR I know there must be more around .....I am in west central not to far from a place called Mena ........anyone else around???just so y'all will be able to put a face to the person

Long post, sorry! So I've gotten brave & been letting our 12 cheeps free range for a while now (9-10 weeks old), some when we're gone(to store/shopping) but usually when we're home, after work & on weekends. Sitting in LR this morning watching Tv & something caught my eye thru window( facing south, our backyard & 3-4 acre field) I first thought it was a fox, but prob a coyote. Happened really fast but think it was bigger than a fox. It crossed our field coming from the west, right behind where the chickens were out in the field along tree line, moved thru our Pine tree line that borders our land, into neighbors field & was staying next to tree line, moving up the line. I ran outside as soon as I saw it & started clapping. The chickens ran up towards me & one of our huge pine trees that they hang out under & the coyote/fox ran off. First time I've seen anything around our house other than deer, altho I know predators are in the area due to where we live in West Fork. Now I'm going to worry about them free ranging at any time, altho I know it's best for them if possible. I was getting too comfortable letting them stay out as much as possible & my hubby has been warning me. Yikes! I waited for them to go in their run for feed/water & shut the run door & let our 3 dogs out to run around. Wondering if it was going to attack them, wouldn't it have done it immediately?
Long post, sorry! So I've gotten brave & been letting our 12 cheeps free range for a while now (9-10 weeks old), some when we're gone(to store/shopping) but usually when we're home, after work & on weekends. Sitting in LR this morning watching Tv & something caught my eye thru window( facing south, our backyard & 3-4 acre field) I first thought it was a fox, but prob a coyote. Happened really fast but think it was bigger than a fox. It crossed our field coming from the west, right behind where the chickens were out in the field along tree line, moved thru our Pine tree line that borders our land, into neighbors field & was staying next to tree line, moving up the line. I ran outside as soon as I saw it & started clapping. The chickens ran up towards me & one of our huge pine trees that they hang out under & the coyote/fox ran off. First time I've seen anything around our house other than deer, altho I know predators are in the area due to where we live in West Fork. Now I'm going to worry about them free ranging at any time, altho I know it's best for them if possible. I was getting too comfortable letting them stay out as much as possible & my hubby has been warning me. Yikes! I waited for them to go in their run for feed/water & shut the run door & let our 3 dogs out to run around. Wondering if it was going to attack them, wouldn't it have done it immediately?
Not always, sometimes they will stalk to see if humans are near and try to come back when they think it's safer. I only let mine out in the evening for a couple of hours before sunset when I can sit and watch. I have scared off dogs, feral cats and shot a raccoon and 3 skunks trying to get a free meal.
Today was the monthly potluck dinner at church.

There was plenty of food and more to go around with plenty if leftovers also. A lot of folks brought fresh garden food ( yummy). I didn't get one put out this year so I didn't bring fresh food.

My wife, daughter and I got up and fixed:
Fried Cabbage with Bacon.
One Main Dish ( almost was like the dish mana made when I was a kid she called Goulash, but this one didn't have the beans in it and was a tad bit different, but was good).
Deviled Eggs ( of course).
Lemon Cream Cheese Pie
Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie.

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