Arkansas folks speak up.........

Have an LG for sale - will take to meetup.
check the poultry meetup group for details.

Sittinpretty, I have a splash roo. that came from splashs that is young that I would sale if you want him.. And a blue that came from blue roo. and blue and black hens.. both hatched this year.$5 each, let me know and I can bring them sat. to the meetup...
Cherry- I have Giant Partridge Cochins in the incubator right now, so I might be of some help with those in the future.

Definately interested. Just let me know if you have any extra females. I'm glad your little Silkie is doing well. If you want to trade a couple of Partridge Cochin chicks for Silkie chicks or eggs, just say the word. My best hen should be laying again any day now, and she makes pretty babies with my white boy. I should also have eggs from a black hen soon. I just put her with my gray male yesterday.

Well, I'm afraid it's looking like I won't be able to attend the meetup after all. Sorry Scott, I'd love to get that hen. My little weiner dog mix has suddenly become paralyzed! I'm taking her in to the vet at 1:00. She came in to eat last night (I feed the small dogs inside) and she was just dragging her back legs. She ate, and even growled at the other two, but except for a wagging tail, couldn't move from the waist down. The vet told me on the phone that these dogs have back problems and it's probably a disk, and she'll need steroid therapy. I'm going to have to beg borrow and steel to pay the vet fees. Wish I could come, but now I can't even afford to buy the gas to get there.​
Aww Cherry! You've had your share this month haven't you!?

I have two sister weiner dogs too and one of them had this problem. Her legs weren't dragging, but she couldn't even walk up the back porch steps. We had some steroid therapy done on her back and she's fine as she ever was now. It will be money well spent. Hopefully it won't break your bank.
When I was a teenager we had 2 mini dachshunds. The male never had any issues, but the female started having back and hip problems after a couple of litters of pups. She ended up having a similar problem with her back legs. It was her hip joint where it meets the spine. Well my mom loved that dog... alot. She got a total hip replacement and the bill was a few grand!!! Took a long time to pay for it, I remember Dad complaining alot
The dog ended up doing well and the rest of her life was good with no problems. She was about 12 when she finally passed away, and I think she was 4 when she had the surgery. Hopefully it won't cost you that much and she gets better. We will miss you at the meetup. I am going to hold onto that hen, so if you get ready for her sometime down the road just let me know.
Thanks guys. The vet gave me 2 kinds of pills, and I have to give them to her twice a day, then once a day, then every other day. He said it will take at least 6 weeks. She has to stay in a box and not move around. During that time I'll also have express her bladder 3 times a day. Fun huh, lol!

I guess I won't be able to schedule any long day trips for a good while.

Will miss seeing you all.
I just completed my latest rooster rescue.
I am now in need of a very large hen. I have my neighbor's Light Brahma. His name is Big and Ugly and he is huge, about 14 pounds. He is very lonely and needs a girl to keep him company. I don't dare put in any of my maran's, he will crush them. Anybody got a big hen they want to rehome, breed really not important?

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