Arkansas folks speak up.........

Sounds like prednisone for the inflammation. You can do it. I bet you can hold her and stuff. Just don't let her walk around, and especially don't let her jump. But it's good news that that is the only treatment she needs!
I'm gonna try to get off Saturday. If I do, I will be there and definately want the splash roo and a blue or black hen. I will let you know for sure by Thursday if I'm able to get off.

Poor Duffy

Is anyone interested in rabbits? I have 2 bucks that I will gladly take to the meetup. I also have an LG stillair incubator.
I could possibly do a cochin hen, maybe a pair of splash bantam ee (hen lays white egg), pair of coturnix quail, -- still looking around for what else I can bring
I will have some Cuckoo Marans pullets and a few cockerels, got some EE cockerels, and 13-15 week Delaware cockerels, probably 2 or 3 of those. I'm a little worried about transporting in the heat though.

I'm very tempted to snatch up Duffy. (thinkin)
Cuckoo Marans pullets that hatched on 5/22 are $5 each, 2 hens and 1 cockerel for $12. I have 1 trio already spoken for which will leave me with 5 or 6 pullets. I have to get in the pen with them and count them again.
I also have 10 that hatched on 6/13, 6 pullets I think, that I will sell for $3 each. I'm not planning on bringing the younger ones unless someone is interested in them. These are from clean legged hens and feather legged roo so some have feathered legs and some don't.
Just thought I would share a pic of my boy. I love to watch the boy chicks change into handsome roos. He is quite the charmer. Can't wait to have baby chicks.

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