Armed Forces parents, families and SUPPORTERS check in here!

I'm so proud of all of you! Kate, Steven told me last night about you enlisting in the Marines,,, You will do just fine and I'm proud of you! Goldstarmom if your son needs anything while he's here just let me know, I'm 5 minutes from him. So many of us have great ideas and suggestions for each other, I hope we stay as positive as possible and stay supportive of everyone.
Wolftracks, you can send almost anything except pornography and you have to be very careful about sending any religious items at all, especially not knowing the beliefs of the men you are sending items too. One of the most requested items when my class sends boxes is Ramen noodles,, Shampoo, soap, razors, personal care items are always welcome and several asked for magazines such as Car and Driver or other sports magazines. Be careful of the content though, magazines that show too much skin such as Low Rider or Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition are considered pornography in most Muslim countries.
Pencils with pencil sharpeners or mechanical pencils are good, ink pens, writing paper and envelopes. Think from the viewpoint of being away from home and what you yourself would most miss and want to have sent to you.
Care package stuff:
Magazines like popular mechanics, baby wipes, hard candies (individually wrapped), socks, shoe insoles, foot powder (Desenex), Drink mix-ins (tang, etc.), homemade cookies (oatmeal raisin, well cooked travel really well), books (inspirational is fine, if the individual doesn't want it, they'll pass it on), a nice letter,
DVDs, CDs, that kind of thing. nothing pornographic, nothing offensive or anti-specific religion....
The Bibles were iffy and I didn't know if razors or toothpaste and stuff would be that important since they were usually from what I remember, issued. See why I needed all of you.
Great ideas like the insoles. I doubt I would have come up with that.
I'll have to mention in our letters that we got help from people on this site. Who knows, maybe they're chicken people or destine to become chicken people.
Thanks so much for the lists. I really appreciate it.

BTW........I know you all have family serving, but if you don't or feel like sending, I'm including the website they gave us.

Hope all of yours come back safe and sound.
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I did my very little part this Spring for an Army family from BYC. DH got called up to head to Germany for 2 years, quite unexpectedly. This meant uprooting Mom, kids and pets.
They lived in the Nashville area, we are in SW VA. We adopted one of thier dogs. Mom brought the dog to Knoxville and my boys met her there and brought Mitzy to her new home. We FB every day and keep them utd on Mitzy and her antics.

It was a very small way to support folks who support our country and the world that we live in.

Meet Mitzy...

I am technically challenged...sorry about the sideways view.
Dad took Calvin to the airport this morning at 4am. As a goodbye gift, one of the cats peed on his duffle bag
He knows better than to leave fabric on the floor!
Anyway, I already found 2 things he forgot, so I am off to the post office to get a flat rate APO box
Just wanted to express my support and gratitude for all the military members and their families here, and everywhere. Please know that my entire family is so thankful for all you do and you are all in our prayers every day. God bless you
Thank you all. Adopting and caring for pets is a really special way of helping out families. We have a lot of single soldiers at Ft. Bliss who get sent overseas and lose their pets because if having to give them up. There is a group here that tries to get them placed for foster care or adoption so they will be safe and loved and their soldiers don't worry about them.

I'm on my way to get Flat Rate boxes too,,, Steven left his Class A's and field jacket!
My brother is coming home from Germany the end of this month. He, his wife, and 2 daughters have been in Germany for 4 years.

His next assignment is in Ft. Leonard Wood in Missouri, where he's going to be a drill sergeant.

I come from a military orientated family - my grandfather served, all of my unlces served, all of my male cousins (except for like 3) have or are currently serving, all 3 of my brothers serve (2 actively serving now, one has got out), and my mom was in the air force before I was born.

My family's military service can be traced back to the revolutionary war.

We lost my cousin in Bagdad in 2007. He left behind 3 children, his parents, and 3 actively serving brothers.
USAA is absolutely awesome! And it is usually rated at or near the very top for auto insurance by Consumer Reports. They do all sorts of insurance, though, as well as all sorts of banking.

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