Arrrhhhh.....LOVE BUGS!!!!


11 Years
Feb 23, 2008
Alexandria, Louisiana
I just spent the last two hours scrubbing the "love bugs" off of the front of my car. Guess it's about time to put the bra back on the front of it. That's the main reason I bought the thing in the first place.

Those things are so darn pesky that they rival the peskiness of the mosquitos down here (twice a year anyway).

Does anybody else have these darn things swarming all over?? Or do they just seem to congregate HERE??

EDIT: BTW, for those who don't know what "love bugs" are, they fly around "connected". Don't fly fast, and thank GOODNESS they don't bite or sting.
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Yep, they're out here too! Hate em just as much as you!
?? Midwesterner here (originally), transplanted to Northeast so I have NO idea what a lovebug is. The only bugs that I know of that fly around connected are mayflies, they last for all of about a week but cover everything. When I lived out in MI they would completely cover the deck of our sailboat and there would be huge congregations of their dead bodies on the water once they mated, laid their eggs and died. Are lovebugs similar/the same??
Ok, thank you Yogiman. Now I must comment.
First, Eeeewwww.
Second, glad we don't have em around here.
Third, they are brought into neighborhoods on sod used for instant green lawns....all the more reason to boycot grass monoculture lawns.
Next...this read produced some interesting facts about 'love bugs'. Did y'all know:

...after mating, the male dies and is dragged around by the female until she lays her eggs

The application of a vegetable coating can be highly effective in preventing the bugs from sticking to automobiles. Does that mean you should throw tomatoes at your car?
(did they mean vegetable oil or what here?)
We had them at the trade days this week end. They seem to just be starting to come out. We usually spray the car with Pam (or some other no name brand). They seem to like white of course my car is white
Am hoping the chickens will like them as much as we hate them
I don't know if the chickens will eat them. Supposedly, they taste icky.

Oh, and these particular bugs will mess up the paint on your car if left on there for any amount of time. Something to do with their body chemistry.

OOOHHHHH they are SOOOOOOO frustrating!!!!!!!!!!

Here's a pic that was on the 'net, courtesy of Sherrie Strickland: And YES, they DO get THAT BAD!!!

Closeup courtesy of Donald Wilcoxson:
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