Arthritis in older dogs?

There are other things you can do besides give the NSAIDS (Non Steroidal Anti Inflamatories) that were suggested.

1) Supplements. Someone else suggested glucosamine, that is a good start. Tumeric is wonderful for arthritis, and is the only supplement studied that can actually help heal a joint. Phy-Cox is a supplement that contains tumeric, glucosamine, boron, blue-green alge, and a bunch of other things. It is relatively cheap especially considering you have a small dog. There is also a milk protien supplement whose name I can't recall at the moment, but I gave it to my senior greyhound and she seemed to really benefit from it.

2)Massage. I am a Certified Small Animal Massage practitioner, and a lot of my clients have come to me to help with arthritis. You could check to see if there is a good SAMP near you. I actually prefer trade relationships, so maybe that would work for you if money is a concern.

3) Natural pain killers. Peppermint is a very effective analgesic. I use peppermint essential oil in my massages. Make sure you get a really good product. It will be more expensive, but it will last quite a while. Put a couple drops on your hands, rub them together and massage your dogs joints. Don't get it near the head. Alternately crush sprigs of fresh peppermint and rub them over your dog. Not as concentrated but quick and easy.

4) Do a gait analysis to see if your dog is in pain. Not foolproof and highly individual, but easy. Dogs in pain prefer not to walk, but will try and trot with a diagonal gait. Look at the nails. Are they worn more on the front or back, left or right? If your dog is in pain he will try to shift his weight to other feet and the nails will wear down faster. When you are massaging him, feel his hip, thigh and shoulder muscles. Are they tight? Is that unusual for him? The limbs that he shifts his weight to may be tight. A dog's motion is transferred in diagonals at the T10 (10th Thoracic vertebra) in the middle of the back. If one leg is tight, chances are the diagonal leg is in pain.

Please keep us updated on how he is doing, and if you have any more questions, I'd be happy to help if I can.
I don't think anyone here suggested NSAIDS right off the back.

actually if you want to go the natural holistic route there are far more options other than peppermint oil. Like Dog Gone Pain arnica and many more which I am sure Iceblink can help you with. Most cities have holistic even homeopathic vets that can help you should you choose to try those.

Please make sure that your dog has an issue before throwing things natural or unnatural it.
Also just because it's natural doesnt mean it can't hurt your pet. Always consult an informed doctor first.

The important thing is that you feel comfortable with your decision.
My old spaniel is almost 13 and suffers with arthritic hip joints. she is on 400mg of glucosamine/chrondoitin daily and then if she has a bad epsode she has NSAiDs. She still jumps into the back of the car and since we got our young spaniel she is very active. She nevers cries with pain but gets very stiff sometimes. I keep her at the right weight and would never let her put on as I know how harmful this is.
Thank you all for your very helpful information. I do plan to talk to a second vet who is a friend in another town and maybe take Andy over to her for a check-up. The vet who saw him Wednesday is new to me and I do not know how long she has been at my animal hospital, but Andy has been going there for everything he needs since day 1.

Also, she said his weight is down from 10 lb. 14 oz. to 10 lb. 8 oz. and she termed him very much underweight. He has stayed around 10 lbs. for years and this is the first time anyone has told me that he was underweight. I am adding another feeding of his kibble in the evening and will give him a little more food at each feeding.

The cost of anything to help him is a major factor and has to be considered whatever I do but I want to keep him healthy and relatively pain free if I can.

Thanks again!
Here is a great article on dog arthritis. I once had a Mastiff puppy with arthritis in the form of hip dysplasia. After that I learned to always get my dog's from a reputable breeder as they come with hip scores from the OFA foundation, sometimes its worth the extra price you pay for to get a puppy that is bred right.
Here is a great article on dog arthritis. I once had a Mastiff puppy with arthritis in the form of hip dysplasia. After that I learned to always get my dog's from a reputable breeder as they come with hip scores from the OFA foundation, sometimes its worth the extra price you pay for to get a puppy that is bred right.

The last post in this thread was in 2008. So I don't think your link will be any help to the original poster. You can check post dates in the upper left hand corner in each post.


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