Article Writing- I Need Your Pictures!

Image 1-13-21 at 2.16 PM.jpg
Oof this has not been the most enjoyable :(. I had to wipe out half of my pics bc I couldn’t prove that they were usable. So now there’s a bunch of gaps in the article. I’m not at all trying to be mean or anything but next time anyone suggests something like getting pics somewhere like that, make sure it’s proven to work:th
I noticed that. You have to actually credit them the right way. Find the picture and do this:

Photo by Janie Doe-Wikipedia-Creative Commons License
(Something like that)
Oof this has not been the most enjoyable :(. I had to wipe out half of my pics bc I couldn’t prove that they were usable. So now there’s a bunch of gaps in the article. I’m not at all trying to be mean or anything but next time anyone suggests something like getting pics somewhere like that, make sure it’s proven to work:th
Did you have to cut our our photos or internet photos?

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