As much as everyone complains about USPS, just wanted to say

Thank you
They're good. I'm not though (more than a wee bit overwhelmed! NO idea why!
) so am downsizing. I'lll be down to 10 adult chickens and a handful of chicks as of this afternoon. I thought it would be bitter sweet, but it's quite a relief.
I agree that the bad ones give everyone a bad name. The carriers around here are great. No problems what so ever. It is this ONE JERK at the post office who works the counter that goes out of his way to be as annoying as possible. This guy is a passive-aggressive LOSER. I swear he must practice moving as slow as possible at night. Not only is he not helpful to the customers, he goes out of his way to inconvenience his coworkers and make sure they are in a bad mood just like him.

I, seriously, drive to the next town rather than deal with this guy.
As someone who has just had a bad experience, I will say that I normally love the post office. They do a lot of good. I think so much of it depends on your delivery person. Normally, I make friends with everyone that delivers to my house because that is how I am. But this guy is just a creep. I love our UPS guy and I love the lady who normally delivers. She is wonderful.
I got mad one time because my mail lady left a very light and thin box on my vehicle, reported it, and she got "talked to". She apoligised to me, and I thought we'd have problems after that, but we've gotten to kinda "know" each other, as much as you can when they stop for a minute or so. I've given her eggs, soap and lotion, and she's even stopped back by before when I needed a few more minutes to get an order ready. Today I got an egg delivery and she was asking if my last egg shipment hatched yet, and I told her they were due to hatch this weekend and she wanted me to let her know how it goes. She's great

This is part of a post I left on another thread this morning. I love all the offices around here too, they are so helpful and patient. I know this isn't the case everywhere, just like any business you will have employees that love it and go above and beyond and ones that hate it, and don't even perform to the minimum bar of the job. (overlook the sorry punctuation...rofl, and mispellings).
I have a wonderful mail man. We have had him for 17 years now. We even give him eggs when he wants them. I use to take care of his mother in law years ago before she passed away. If I have a package of eggs he will walk it out to my house. and knock on my door and if I am not home he takes them back to PO and leaves a notice in my mail box. He is a very good man. and our post master is wonderful too.
Great post! I agree that the USPS often gets a bad rap. I can't recall a bad experience I have ever had with them and I ship internationally all the time. Our local postman is fantastic and always gets out of his truck to deliver packages, even small ones. We made it a point to officially introduce him to our dog so now even she can't wait for packages to come so she can say, '"Hi!"
I have to say- for several years, we have had great postal service. We have always had nice, friendly delivery people. When I have had birds shipped, they call immediately when they get to the main delivery station. I have had one shipment that arrived the SAME day as shipment. That is pretty amazing.
So what are you saying? That there are "competent" morons working at the P.O.?

Well I don't care what you say, I worked for the P.O. for nearly 20 yrs. I know what goes on behind the scenes and if you think they care, think again.
Letter carriers who care are quickly set straight. I'll admit that there are nice people who work at the P.O. but they have to fight to be nice. Being nice can get you in trouble. Glad I don't work there anymore.

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