As much as everyone complains about USPS, just wanted to say

So what are you saying? That there are "competent" morons working at the P.O.?

Well I don't care what you say, I worked for the P.O. for nearly 20 yrs. I know what goes on behind the scenes and if you think they care, think again.
Letter carriers who care are quickly set straight. I'll admit that there are nice people who work at the P.O. but they have to fight to be nice. Being nice can get you in trouble. Glad I don't work there anymore.

That's sad. I hope you just came from a bad office. I know *I* care and if that makes me lose my job, I'd rather do that than sacrifice what I believe is right (do unto others, etc., et.). Not that I don't make mistakes b/c I definitely do.
I cannot say that all of the mail carriers at my office care, but I am friends with some and know that they definitely do.
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Heey, I'm the mailman's daughter, too!

I can tell you whatever post office rancher hicks came from isn't anything like the ones my dad's worked at.
I was a rural mail carrier for 18 years. *I*, like Asher, cared. ALOT. When a customer was expecting chicks or other fragile items, and shehe told me about it, I kept a lookout. And, told the mail CLERK to call ASAP on arrival for the chicks. Now, I dont know if the mail CLERK did what I told her to do. Postal people, myself included, are very proud workers and frankly, we dont like to be told what to do. I think that stems from postal management always threatening our jobs with protocol.

Now, Cackle sent me my chicks. USPS was supposed to call upon arrival, the mail clerk even knew I used to work for the PO (I was lucky to get a route my house was on!) They didnt. I called them at 5 am because I knew the truck came in at that time, and asked if my chicks had arrived. They had. The mail clerk said she was going to call me at 7 am despite the *call upon arrival* notation.

I must say, since Im on the topic, that I have had ALOT of wonderful customers. They didnt leave me anything but they were ohhhh soooo nice to me.... on a consistent basis. Customers would ask me what I wanted for a *treat* at Christmas and I would quite frankly tell them to just be nice to me all year round (meant that nicely with a smile).

So, to all of you that love your mail carriers, it makes me happy. ~Barb

PS: In my post office in Woodinville, WA we were NOT allowed to leave packages sitting on top the mailbox. I thought it was a nationwide standard. Guess not.
Bwaaak! :

PS: In my post office in Woodinville, WA we were NOT allowed to leave packages sitting on top the mailbox. I thought it was a nationwide standard. Guess not.

We're not supposed to, either. I was trained otherwise during our two week training so the one time that I did it when I first started, I got reprimanded.
(The customer left a "nice"
typed two page letter with pitures about why she was upset. I didn't tell my boss that if the lady cleaned her box out more often than every two weeks, the package would have fit in the box and it was amazing she was so concerned about her mail getting stolen, yet left her bills with account numbers, etc., etc. in her mail box for so long on a regular basis. I thought it, for sure, but I learned incorrectly in training so I took my correction with an apology and a promise to never do it again.)​
My dad had to mail a dead raccoon's head packed in dry ice to some far-flung rabies testing lab once after it bit his father in law..

UPS said "No way."

FedEx said "No way."

The USPS said "No problem."

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