Ascites?? Swollen, squishy abdomen - WITH PICS & VIDEO (page 9)

Thanks for the link! I'll have to check into that some more. Both girls are still doing pretty good. No egg from Chickabod yet, and Buttercup is doing well since we drained her again. How about your girls? Is the fluid still going down?
The girls are doing good. I can't tell if it is going down any more but I know for sure it isn't getting any bigger. They both really hate when I come at them with the eye dropper! :) I started dipping bread in the milk thistle mixture and they love that!! I need to come up with something more healthy!! Glad to hear your girls are good!
Good! I'm glad they are still ok. Buttercup doesn't mind the eye dropper, but I can't get Chickabod to take anything from an eye dropper! Good idea on soaking it up in bread!
Hey there! Buttercup is doing pretty well in the heat. She doesn't pant unless it's in the mid to upper 90s. But it is supposed to be 110 here on Friday!!! So I know she will be panting then. Seems to be ok though, doesn't need to be drained again at this point. Still eating, drinking, pooping, roosting like normal so I'm happy with that.

Still no eggs from Chickabod. I have been slacking on the tums so I need to pick that back up. With this crazy heat coming I don't know if she'll start back up anytime soon. She is otherwise ok and acting like normal!

How about your girls? Fluid still going down?
It seems like it has gone down a little more but mostly the same. Yes this heat is horrible. I lost one of my roosters last week. It was
105 here. He was 3 1/2 so maybe age / heat got him. My girls really love the frozen corn/peas in a bowl of water, it helps cool them down!! There is a good thread going with lots of ideas to fight the heat. you should check it out.
You are right about Chickabod and getting an egg with this heat....I usually get about 13 eggs a day and mine are boycotting due to the heat. Now I am getting maybe 3!! I'm sure it is because it is 110 degrees inside the coop!!
Awwww, sorry about your rooster! :( This heat is causing all sorts of problems. I always get so nervous when it's this hot.

I think my chickens would LOVE frozen corn in a bowl of water! I've never heard of that before but it's such a great idea. I'll check out that thread about fighting the heat. Lord knows I'll need it!
Update - Buttercup was looking uncomfortable, so I drained her again this morning. She wasn't too full of fluid, but was waddling and a little slow so I went ahead and drained the fluid off. Doesn't seem like the heat is affecting her too much, but I figured it would be a good idea to get the fluid off since it is so hot and that would make things worse. Still no eggs, but she is doing ok. Eating and drinking like normal and still acting like her usual self for the time being. I'm really surprised she has made it this long! Every day with her is a blessing.

arkansaschicks - Everyone still doing ok in your neck of the woods?
Sadly, fluid in the abdomen has several causes, all of which are terminal. Ascites is caused by organ failure. Cancer can cause fluid buildup. Internal laying can be lived with until the fluid becomes infected and the materials impacted. It is kind of you to try an relieve her distress. However, be aware that hens in that condition can starve right under your watchful care. I know because after a hen died I did a necropsy and was saddened to see that my hen had not been able to digest food for quite awhile (cancer can cause the intestinal tract to become enlarged and blocked.) The hen had faked eating (watch carefully - is yours actually swallowing?) It's a hard decision to make, but euthanizing can be a kindness. I've written about that here:

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