Ascites?? Swollen, squishy abdomen - WITH PICS & VIDEO (page 9)

@guesswhatchickenbutt- I'm so sorry to read about Clementine, I would have commented yesterday when I first saw the post only I just couldn't continue to read, dealing with my own
Ruby and the stress of it was a bit too much.
I do have some good news ( at least at the time of this writing) Ruby does appear to be feeling better, her tail has lifted and she seems to be attentive but still a bit stand offish.
I will be shopping for that milk thistle today and checking out some new needles & syringes.

I am very new to this chicken thing, and really don't understand all the abbreviations; I never knew anything about hatchery chicks vs breeders etc. Wow, this is alot to take in.
I'm very grateful to those who are so knowledgeable and willing to share this information.
I'll continue to update Ruby's progress.
Robin - I was thinking about Ruby today and was going to ask how she is doing, so I'm happy to hear she's a little better. I feel the same about you that it is a lot to take in. I've had chickens for 3 years and I still feel like a newbie most of the time. I learn something new every day it seems. Hang in there!
Perhaps I should ask this on another thread but... Is it safe to allow all my girls to have the milk thistle, and will it affect their eggs. Will I
still be able to eat them?

BTW- I got two eggs this morning!

(there's not enough time in a day to read thru this forum) : )
From what I've read, milk thistle extract is totally safe because it is all natural. I don't know for sure, but I don't see how it would affect their eggs. I'd say you'll be safe eating them. I would personally feel safe eating the eggs.

Glad you got a couple eggs! I know what you mean about not enough time to read through the forum. I can spend hours on end reading threads without realizing it!

Hope Ruby's still hanging in there and progressing!
Just checked back in to this thread and I read about Clementine.

Guesswhatchickenbutt- I am sorry sorry for your loss!! That is the same thing that happened to my Mattie I took her to the vet to get drained but she died on the table. I think the positive side to all of this is we can learn from this experience and try and find breeds that will not suffer with all the issues. My Mattie was a sex link and my mom and two sisters that have the problem now are buff orpingtons.

I know when I go to buy any new chickens I will be doing a lot of research because I get WAY too attached to my girls and losing them at 2 and 3 years old is VERY hard!

About the milk thistle I really feel it has helped but it is so hard to know for sure. I have been so busy dealing with 2 roosters with bacteria infection/ bumblefoot that I have not been giving Shelby her milk thistle. I can tell she is getting bigger back there again. I am so nervous about draining, I guess it sounds like everyone has been :)
Well my Ruby seems to be doing well; I have milk thistle capsules that I sprinkle on their table scraps and everyone is eating it up. I figured
I'd treat all the girls with it. So far I still only have two girls laying but at least I've got 2 eggs now for a few days. Hurray!

I was able to purchase a few new needles and larger syringe at our Farm Supply. Thanks so much for all the encouragement and info.
So glad to hear Ruby is doing better. Hopefully she isn't hiding from you any more. Just wanted to pass on some information: I spoke with my vet about Shelby and possibly bringing her in to drain and we talked about the Milk Thistle. She said don't worry about overdosing and she highly recommended it. She has dogs,cats and birds on it.

Speckledhen: So when a hen goes broody would you recommend just letting them have that time instead of trying to break them of it? I always get so frustrated with them, NOT for the lack of eggs but just that they are sitting in a hot coop and don't seem to eat and drink like they should. At one point last month I had 5 at one time refusing to move :) Just thought I would see what your thoughts are on that.
RobinZech - So glad to hear Ruby is doing well. Good idea on the capsules. I bought the liquid and it's hard to get Buttercup to take it. I've tried it on bread and she took that for a while, but won't eat it anymore. I think maybe because it smells so strong. I'm going to try it in yogurt or oatmeal and see how that goes, but maybe I should just get some capsules.

Thanks for the update! Hope she continues to do well.
That is what my vet recommended was the capsules. She said one a day and it would be so much easier to put in different kinds of foods. I too have been doing the liquid and it does seem like more work!
Just wanted to give an update on Buttercup. Something happened last night that totally dumbfounded me. Every night when I put the chickens to bed, I do a count to make sure they're all there. I go around and pat each one as I count them. I usually feel Buttercup's abdomen to make sure it's not getting too swollen. Occasionally I will just pat her and not check her belly, so it was probably 2 or 3 nights ago that I felt her last and it was still swollen.

Last night I was putting them all to bed and felt her belly and it was totally empty - no swelling or fluid AT ALL. I haven't drained her in over a month probably, so I have no idea what happened to all that fluid/swelling. Wonder if her body absorbed it? Or if somehow she "pooped" it out? Her bottom was pretty wet like it gets when I drain her. I have no clue what happened, but it seemed very weird to me. I actually gasped when I felt it because I was so shocked.

I'd like to think this is a good thing, but it kind of scares me. She is acting totally fine and actually a lot more spry and light on her feet since the fluid is all off! She's hopping around like a pro, when before she had difficulty. The only other thing I've noticed is for the past week or so it seems like she's been losing feathers, basically one every night (I find a big feather under her spot on the roost each morning). I thought maybe she's in a light molt, but my husband thinks her feathers may be falling out because she has been sick. I don't know. All I know is I'm confused!

Can anyone shed light on what may have happened to her fluid and swelling??

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