Ascitis? Please help

Ok... I can’t even catch (Puffy?) In the crate... but she’s looking way better today, not fluffed up or hunched at all and they ate all the feed, more than double what Tippie has been eating. I can’t get a good look at her back end though. So far Tippie is the only friendly one, probably cause she was so bad to start off and I’ve been handling her almost daily for a month now. I need to get another two chicken tractors built so I can start stealing these chickens. Tippie isn’t laying anyway, and I highly doubt Puffy is.
When she did finally get some poop out it was almost explosive in its exit and bright green. I’m leaning to leaking urates from the liquids smell and color, it wasn’t the yellow from the ascites fluid for sure. It was definitely irritating her skin. I’ve asked the owner not to provide greens to them for a bit. Barring anything major, I am only going to be working with the two of them this week, the SLM on the other girls will have to wait while I heal a bit myself.

I buggered up but good last night, I decided to leave the building with the shower by the back door, carrying some laundry and another little roosting bar. I stepped on a rock i couldn’t see and turned my ankle really badly. I can’t walk, won’t be able to really work in the coop again for at least 3-4 days without help (not going to be able to catch the chickens in this shape, but Tippie and her new roomie are already in the crate). The ankle is swollen to double it’s normal size and has significant bruising. Possible fracture, but that’s a 2 day trip for the requisition and X-rays, so nope!
Oh No! I'm sorry to hear about your ankle:hugs
Take it easy for a few days, you need a break anyway, but this is not the way to get it.
If Puffy is able to move and get away even in the crate and she's been eating, then let her and Tippie have a rest today as well. Try again tomorrow.
So, Puffy is actually pretty perky now, I still haven’t caught her since I lured them out with the last of my mealworms. I don’t think her swelling has really gone down much. My Baytril (enrofloxacin 10%) for Tippie and the 2 lash eggs she laid is FINALLY here! Priority shipping sure doesn’t feel like a priority when you’re waiting on meds! Would it maybe be helpful for Puffy’s condition as well? @Wyorp Rock @casportpony and should I administer the 0.05ml per lb directly 2x daily or should I put it in their water?
Ok, I’ve asked permission to try draining her, and also suggested culling if it doesn’t work. It feels like a really firm full waterbaloon, not hard but quite tight. I will bring my scale down tomorrow and weigh Tippie. Hoping I get a positive response from the owner.

Still some active lice and many eggs on Puffy, so I gave her a little more dusting along her back and under her wings. It’s odd because normally I notice them near the vent, but there’s none there... I’m guessing because of the leakage. If I am going to be in close contact draining her I’d rather not be crawling with the little buggers too!
So, Puffy is actually pretty perky now, I still haven’t caught her since I lured them out with the last of my mealworms. I don’t think her swelling has really gone down much. My Baytril (enrofloxacin 10%) for Tippie and the 2 lash eggs she laid is FINALLY here! Priority shipping sure doesn’t feel like a priority when you’re waiting on meds! Would it maybe be helpful for Puffy’s condition as well? @Wyorp Rock @casportpony and should I administer the 0.05ml per lb directly 2x daily or should I put it in their water?

Ok, I’ve asked permission to try draining her, and also suggested culling if it doesn’t work. It feels like a really firm full waterbaloon, not hard but quite tight. I will bring my scale down tomorrow and weigh Tippie. Hoping I get a positive response from the owner.

Still some active lice and many eggs on Puffy, so I gave her a little more dusting along her back and under her wings. It’s odd because normally I notice them near the vent, but there’s none there... I’m guessing because of the leakage. If I am going to be in close contact draining her I’d rather not be crawling with the little buggers too!
I think if you can drain her, she will be more comfortable. The Baytril may help with infection if that is the cause of the fluid, but to me, the fluid still needs to be drained too.
@TwoCrows and @coach723 really stress to drain a small amount, then let gravity do the rest. Slowly since draining too quickly can send them into shock or cardiac arrest.
It's good that you are asking the owner, hopefully they will agree, that must frustrating.
I’m nervous, because even if I get the go ahead, I think we just have 18 and 22 guage needles, and not short ones... also they aren’t used to handling at all and my husband has an issue with needles, so I’m not sure if I will be able to have another steady set of hands for it. I’ve done sub cutaneous and intramuscular injections, but I’m not very proficient, and this will be a first.

My thinking is, if I can get permission... either it works and I greatly improve her quality of life, or I make a horrible mistake and then cull her, ending her suffering. Or we just cull her and end her suffering. The pressure must be causing suffering, her vent is straining, even though she’s acting less miserable. I can tell lifting her pains her, and she fluffed up again when I took her out to see how she was today.

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