Ascitis? Please help

Thank you all so much! She’s actually quite perky today but still very bloated and seeping from the vent, so maybe the enrofloxacin is helping? Or maybe she isn’t as bad as she seems sometimes.

I’m still buying a cone today. Husband and I keep looking at them separately at the feed store, know we need one but we haven’t mustered up the courage to admit it or talk about it until yesterday. I never thought to improvise one.

I want to move them both up to my barn for better monitoring, I think I can get up into it now if I put the bad leg knee down first. Will keep you posted.
I just wanted to thank everyone again for their help with Puffy... I realized I didn’t update you, and it has been quite some time since my original post. She responded well with the baytril, so we postponed culling, and I finally mustered the courage to drain her today, as she was having a relapse with increased swelling and urates leaking out. Once I steadied my hands and just went ahead with it, it worked very well (Just like the video). Her liquid was a little greenish, rather than yellow. I should have taken photos, but was too busy concentrating on what I was doing to document anything. I probably could have taken out more, but was wary of the shock to her, and I erred on the side of caution.

Kristen’s retirement home for neglected chickens is doing quite well, I suppose... I know I’m not saving any lives here long term, but I am getting these girls some good quality of life for what time they have left. Her feathers are glossy, she isn’t underweight, all the lice and mites are gone, she’s getting proper nutrition and has grass underfoot, the leg scales still look horrendous, but things are overall better for these girls!

I just wanted to thank everyone again for their help with Puffy... I realized I didn’t update you, and it has been quite some time since my original post. She responded well with the baytril, so we postponed culling, and I finally mustered the courage to drain her today, as she was having a relapse with increased swelling and urates leaking out. Once I steadied my hands and just went ahead with it, it worked very well (Just like the video). Her liquid was a little greenish, rather than yellow. I should have taken photos, but was too busy concentrating on what I was doing to document anything. I probably could have taken out more, but was wary of the shock to her, and I erred on the side of caution.

Kristen’s retirement home for neglected chickens is doing quite well, I suppose... I know I’m not saving any lives here long term, but I am getting these girls some good quality of life for what time they have left. Her feathers are glossy, she isn’t underweight, all the lice and mites are gone, she’s getting proper nutrition and has grass underfoot, the leg scales still look horrendous, but things are overall better for these girls!

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She look pretty darn good! You have worked miracles with those poor hens! Hats off to ya girlie!
Pic of liquid in syringe after done would have been good.
Green not a good sign.

And it was a little less than clear... I know, not very helpful. If I drain her again I will make sure to get photos. I’m mostly trying to make sure she is comfortable and has a decent quality of life for what is left. I was incredibly nervous doing it, not sure which of us was more shaky at first, but I’m sure the next time will be easier. She is probably between 3-5 years old and is a hyline production red layer. They all seem to be developing issues over the age of 3 years.

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