Ascitis? Please help

I was incredibly nervous doing it, not sure which of us was more shaky at first, but I’m sure the next time will be easier.
I'll bet!

She is probably between 3-5 years old and is a hyline production red layer. They all seem to be developing issues over the age of 3 years.
Not unusual..especially with the lax care they had received before you were on the job.

And it was a little less than clear... I know, not very helpful. If I drain her again I will make sure to get photos.
Would be interesting to see.

and the tumors that were in her intestines
Ok, so I noticed Puffy’s bum was getting nasty again, but held off until we had decent weather for a wash and repeat of draining her. This time there wasn't a greenish tint to the liquid, so I’m hoping that’s a sign of some improvement. This time I remembered to take a pic of the fluid, and drained it into a bottle rather than a random not particularly clean bucket. I got 150mls before she started to struggle and dislodge the needle. Much less than the last time. No odor to the fluid, just her back end, which I coated with some Vaseline to help with the irritation/unrated/poop.



Sorry I missed the pic for the greenish tint last time, but I’m glad it’s gone!
I had 2 lil RIR girls at separate times w Ascites.
Harley, I drained for months, as needed. She hung in there but seemed miserable. Ate, drank, pooped... she was a sweet baby. Always wanted to be close to me. One day, she looked so sad... I brought her in my living room & placed her on a blanket, food & water accessible... I went to work for a couple of hours. When I came home, she had changed positions. I picked her up, sat on the sofa with her, ready to drain her once again & she took her last breath in my arms.
I felt that I may have caused her to suffer w all the draining I did.
My Lilly, RIR, had the same issue. I drained her once, she wasn’t thrilled... I didnt want to put her thru the same misery, so I opted to put her down.
She went to sleep peacefully in my arms.
I am happy that you are doing well w your girls! Mine are all elderly as well! I love em all so much!
Keep up the good work!!
What size needles are u draining with? I found 18g was the best, it just pours out without having to remove the syringe after each fill.
Wishing u the best!!
I had 2 lil RIR girls at separate times w Ascites.
Harley, I drained for months, as needed. She hung in there but seemed miserable. Ate, drank, pooped... she was a sweet baby. Always wanted to be close to me. One day, she looked so sad... I brought her in my living room & placed her on a blanket, food & water accessible... I went to work for a couple of hours. When I came home, she had changed positions. I picked her up, sat on the sofa with her, ready to drain her once again & she took her last breath in my arms.
I felt that I may have caused her to suffer w all the draining I did.
My Lilly, RIR, had the same issue. I drained her once, she wasn’t thrilled... I didnt want to put her thru the same misery, so I opted to put her down.
She went to sleep peacefully in my arms.
I am happy that you are doing well w your girls! Mine are all elderly as well! I love em all so much!
Keep up the good work!!
What size needles are u draining with? I found 18g was the best, it just pours out without having to remove the syringe after each fill.
Wishing u the best!!

I am using 18 gauge shorts... I’m not sure how many times I will put her through it, when her quality of life gets to the point that she is suffering more than she is enjoying her new life up on grass and outside... then it will be time.

I’m sorry you lost your girls :hugs If you don’t mind my asking, how did you put Lilly down that she went peacefully in your arms? If there is a calmer way, I’d like to know. Thanks.
I agree, you’ll know when its time.
I’ve had 2 girls & 1 roo that I had to PTS. I took them to my vet. He gives them a lil tranquilizer & then injects sodium pento barbitol while I hold them in my arms.
Much better way to go...IMO...
We don’t have a vet accessible, thank you again for sharing... I do wish that was an option for us sometimes.

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