Ashton Kutcher on Two and a Half Men?

Real housewives of Podunk USA may be nice.


I might watch that one.....
That's totally true. I don't get to sleep very well normally (although when I drift off I sleep like a log), so I might pass on the latter.

Most definatley! I wish I could sleep like a log, it takes forever for me to go to sleep to. But when I do I always wake up thinking about something that needs to be done or whatever. Lol! No sleep for me. Plud it dont help I have to get up a 4 am some mornings to get to work at 6am. Ugh! A retail store that opens at 6, why did I choose to work there. LOL!

I hate not being able to sleep. That sucks about the work! Before she quit, my mother used to work in Coles and some days she'd have to get up at two to be at the bakery at three.
No idea how she managed. No wonder she quit.
lol.... an episode just started on TV when I was logging on to BYC. And to make it even more funny....Charlie just woke up and make a rooster noise to the girl sharing his bed... How very appropriate while I was reading through this thread. Its the one where his brother is trying top learn how to use a ventriloquist dummy.

I wouldnt even bother watching an episode without Charlie in it- He may have his person issues... But the show wouldnt be same with him.
Most definatley! I wish I could sleep like a log, it takes forever for me to go to sleep to. But when I do I always wake up thinking about something that needs to be done or whatever. Lol! No sleep for me. Plud it dont help I have to get up a 4 am some mornings to get to work at 6am. Ugh! A retail store that opens at 6, why did I choose to work there. LOL!

I hate not being able to sleep. That sucks about the work! Before she quit, my mother used to work in Coles and some days she'd have to get up at two to be at the bakery at three.
No idea how she managed. No wonder she quit.

Ya I work at Lowes. At least my job is fun. And the discount from all my projects isnt bad either. Lol!
Ya I would probably quit to if I had to be up at 2. NOT happening!
Off-topic: I had a girl named Ashton in my photography class. I said something about her to my mom nd accidentally called her Ashton Kutcher. Oops.
"Isn't that a guy? A guy ACTOR?"
Is he? I didn't know.
I'm pop-culturally illiterate.
I hate not being able to sleep. That sucks about the work! Before she quit, my mother used to work in Coles and some days she'd have to get up at two to be at the bakery at three.
No idea how she managed. No wonder she quit.

Ya I work at Lowes. At least my job is fun. And the discount from all my projects isnt bad either. Lol!
Ya I would probably quit to if I had to be up at 2. NOT happening!

That's good. As long as you enjoy your job, that's what counts, I guess. My parents encourage me to be a doctor, but seeing as I would not enjoy that at all, I'm going to go for something with a significantly smaller paycheck but something that I would find rewarding.
Haha! Its okay I think we all have had that happen. Yes he is a guy actor.

You know, what roles has been cast as before? I do know his name, but I have no idea what other roles he's had

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