In the Brooder
- Apr 25, 2016
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I have three indoor pet ducks, all of which are very healthy and are drakes, the two twin sweedish black ducks have only just begun to get their tail curls
However one of them, who is a Rouen, has gotten his tail curl about a month and a half ago. As I did when they were babies, I take them out daily, lay down on the floor and set them on my chest and bond with them, they're always very friendly and sweet, of course the first thing they go for is my hair but they're ducks.
- however, the rouen, being the biggest of the three, has begun showing weird behavior (weird for me anyways). when I set him on my chest he latches onto either my shirt or finger, and then wiggles frantically from side to side as if hes adjusting himself. Now at this point I just go into hysterics of laughter, its so silly! But is he trying to mate with me or is he just showing that hes the dominant duck? The other two DO NOT do this, in fact they just do duck things (nibble on hair, clothing, jewelry, or whatever they can get their beaks around).
Edit: I'd also like to point out that they all head bob at me (have done that since I hatched them) but my Rouen is the one that headbobs the most and more frequently when he sees me, if that has anything to do with his behavior.
I'm not at all concerned, but I figured I'd ask. The last thing I want is to get corkscrewed in the face by my baby boy (lol).

- however, the rouen, being the biggest of the three, has begun showing weird behavior (weird for me anyways). when I set him on my chest he latches onto either my shirt or finger, and then wiggles frantically from side to side as if hes adjusting himself. Now at this point I just go into hysterics of laughter, its so silly! But is he trying to mate with me or is he just showing that hes the dominant duck? The other two DO NOT do this, in fact they just do duck things (nibble on hair, clothing, jewelry, or whatever they can get their beaks around).
Edit: I'd also like to point out that they all head bob at me (have done that since I hatched them) but my Rouen is the one that headbobs the most and more frequently when he sees me, if that has anything to do with his behavior.
I'm not at all concerned, but I figured I'd ask. The last thing I want is to get corkscrewed in the face by my baby boy (lol).
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