Assorted Crested


6 Years
Mar 18, 2013
I got the "assorted crested mix" at the feedstore. Now that they are really feathering out, does anyone have any idea what I have, what sex, and how old they might be? I got 5 for the price of 3 because they just weren't selling there and I thought they would be fun to have walking around the yard. They are mostly feathered in and are about the size of my 3/4 week BR chicks, so I'm assuming they are banties (I got them a couple of weeks before the last batch of BR)? The first picture is the one I suspect the most of being a roo, based on his/her sassy personality and the way it acts when they are outside. The rest of them I am totally clueless about.

Is it possible the one in the last picture standing up over the white one in the bottom left corner could be a Mottled Houdan? I'm not an expert on crested breeds by any means, haha :)
After looking at pictures of Mottled Houdans, I'm really hoping that this is what she turns out to be! They are beautiful. I don't know anything about crested breeds at all, so you're doing better than me, lol.
Hmm.... Your little roo could be a White crested black polish, looks like you have another one like him too... The gray fluffy standing tall in the bottom picture could be a silver laced polish... You gotta post pics of them growing up xD I wanna see if my guesses are right xP and the white one... Polish also? Unless s/he has feathered legs. Then Sultan. I don't think there are a whole lot of crested breeds, a lot of colors though. All I know is Sultans, Polish, and Houdans :)
Here are updated pictures, I swear they look different every single day!

This is the same chick in the above & below photos. I love her coloring and personality, but she is noticeably smaller than the others.

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