At last! How to stop your rooster crowing - maybe

I have 2 roos. Only 1 crows all day and part of the night. We also love the crowing, but at 3 am when you want to sleep or are sick or have a headache, its not nice to hear him.
I think I may actually have done it - training my boy to stop!

I don't mind crowing, but when it goes on and on and on... enough, already! So, the past few weeks, after the third crow I started yelling, "Red! ENOUGH!" and each crow after, repeating the command while chasing him.

After a while, he'd obey but resume crowing the minute I turned my back. But I persisted.

This morning, he had his few crows, then it got to the, "omg, is he done yet?" stage so I hollered out the window, "Red, enough!" and he quit! I figured, yeah, he just felt like quitting on his own, until now: he just had his afternoon crowing session (which can go on for an hour if he's chatting with the roo down the road) and again, after his third crow, I hollered out the window "enough!" and... silence!

There is hope, they can be trained! Woo-hoo! :weee
Reading all these posts makes a person want to pop a few tranquilizers.......Actually, maybe a solution for the " crowing drives me nuts" chicken owners.".....Dogs bark .....Roosters crow...People B- t---h....
I have the BEST Rooster ever! He is great with the kids and his girls. However I am not suppose to have a Rooster:( he was suppose to be a pullet but got that 5-10% by chance deal. I really want to keep him! He starts around 5-7 am, about 10-15 times. I've been running outside with food to get him to stop and it has worked. I'm worried one of my neighbors will complain. I don't mind it and don't mind my neighbors barking dogs all night either. :) I have not had time to read this whole thread. So if anyone can please give me any ideas... I don't want to hurt him and I do have a back up home. My kids and I would like to try to keep him. My husband thinks we need to send him on his way:( help!!
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Reading all these posts makes a person want to pop a few tranquilizers.......Actually, maybe a solution for the " crowing drives me nuts" chicken owners.".....Dogs bark .....Roosters crow...People B- t---h....
Understandable. I have a special place in my heart for roosters. Ignorance is a factor also for the rejection of roosters.
I think stopping a rooster from crowing is a real not smart thing to do.. That is totally redonkulas and bordering inhumane. If you don't want a crowing rooster, don't own a rooster. Simple at that. Cook em up, or give them away, but don't try to keeping them from crowing.

That's like trying to get a hen to quit laying eggs because you don't like eggs... Say WHA?! Bizzare.

The rescue near me implants their hens so they dont lay eggs because collecting them is selfish and cruel. I was looking at adopting but their rules were silly.
At no. 4 I caught on that it's just a joke.
You are definitely right to keep that Rooster. He is a good friend to all of you and his girls and does a good job of protecting them from foes.
They might even get sick without him, then where would you be. Chickens and Roosters have souls IMHO. Doesn't your husband know that? When you give a Rooster away you are giving him over to a dinner plate rest assured so why do it?
I have three, Would not give them up for that reason even though they have a tendency to be territorial with their hens which would not be a problem but I have just the 7 hens so the 10% error is not working here at all. The oldest is the kindest and smartest and I rescued him from a pulmonary infection and he was gifted to me.
He is also possessive but only for his two remaining hens. He does not interfere which I call smart. It might be pecking order in part because the new copper moran is the fightenist, loudest, chronic caller I have ever met. I daily douse him with water to shut him up.

Angie if you can muffle the coop with insulation, I use hot water heater wrap, or with extra boarding and covering holes that are not for ventilation, or just uncover when you get up, this might do a lot to keeping the boy with his family. You included. I am sending you my positive vibes for a peaceful solution.
OMG! That is just too funny! I actually like the crowing my Roo does. Ok, maybe not at 4:30 in the morning, But it is fun to crow at him and have him answer back.
Anyone in the Seattle area interested in trading their young Buff Orpington rooster for my young Dominique rooster?

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