At what age do Black Australorps begin to lay their first eggs???



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13 Years
Mar 21, 2011
New Mexico
My Aussie girls are 17 weeks old tomorrow. They are just now beginning to get their combs and wattles in and a couple of the girls are beginning to get red in the combs and wattles just a bit. I am going thru 50 pounds of chick starter a month and I am down to my last bag. So I am not sure if I need another bag.

So my question is, at what week should I start to see some eggs?

Nice looking birds and that stump they are on is a great idea. I have such a small yard that I can't build a big coop so I have one of those chicken arks that I move around the yard, but I do let them run around in the evening. I might have to find an old stump like that. My buff orpington has huge comb and waddles that are getting bright red, I think my black australorp is just a little behind yours.
Thanks for all the great replies! Yes, they do love to climb around on that burly log. I see them up there every evening. There is also an old wooden ladder in the back that they like to perch on too.

Well, I will keep my eyes open for my first egg! I am so excited already and I am sure I will burst with joy when I eventually find it!

Thanks all....Leyla
My Australorp just turned 14 weeks and her comb and wattle is already getting reddish - more so than my other 5 hens who are the same age. I think she will be my first to lay. I'll have to see if I can find a picture. It's so exciting. I can't wait to get my first eggs!

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