At what age do ducks begin laying? Are banties different?


Chicken Enabler Extraordinaire
14 Years
Jan 26, 2007
Mountains of NC
I have seven (well 8, but one is still a youngster) bantam ducks, born around the end of April so around 4 months old right now. I was curious when I can expect them to begin laying.

Do they only lay specific seasons like geese do? Do bantam ducks lay later than standards? (That seems like a dumb question! heh)

I have 2 drakes and 5 ducks, but one of the drakes will be joining my neighbors two ducks that I gave her shortly.
My call ducks don't lay until the spring after they've hatched.....when they're almost a year old. Mine start laying in March and usually quit by the end of june/beginning of July. I do think it depends on the weather where they are tho.
My Rouen started laying at about 8 months and she layed her first eggs in December of 07 and then about every 3 weeks or so from then on. She unforntunly died in June but she had 8 eggs in her nest at the time. So we are waiting now to see how many of our young 5 month old females will lay eggs.... Looking forward to it. Good luck with you ducks...
I've never seen bantam ducks post a picture if you can I'm curous
Call's are so cute and pudgy looking! hehe I miss my call's, but don't miss the noise. My australian spotted girls are still noisy, but not nearly as loud.

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