At wits end. Neighbors dogs


Making supper tonight and guess who shows up. One dog this time not 2. Grabbed camera and finally got a picture of the dog! YEAH! Called police. I apologized profusely to the dispatcher. She was very nice and said she would send someone out. 2 very nice policeman showed up and guess what? They saw the dog too. They will make another report to the dog officer and she will follow up on it. I will keep all of my BYC friends posted.

CMV- If you have any specific questions I would be happy to answer them.

Night all.
My first warning would be a verbal to the owners (if knowing the dog=owners).Paint a "Bulls Eye" just right behind the dog's shoulders (both sides). That would be my second warning to the owner. Third would be kill their dog - they obviuosly don't care much about that dog.

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