Atention everyone.

chickens? not yet :

When I was reading this you could have been talking about my Lovie, Sun Conure, She passed last year she was 13, she was born with just one eye, she died from a stroke. I still wear my holy shirts!! LOL My husband & I were truck drivers and she went with us, she slept on my neck, she would hang on to my collar of my grown and she wouldn't move all night. She wouldn't let me talk on the C.B. I think she thought it was a big snake!! She was the funnest little bird I've ever had.
I had her from the time she was 3 weeks old. Sure hurts when you lose them but the 13 years of love and fun, we enjoyed from her was so wonderful.
So enjoyed reading this, reminding me of her! Thank You!!

Aren't they though! I know they are just the sweetest of all the birds I've had. I sure miss him. We had an Indian Ringneck that was funny as all get outs but he was never as loving as Julian. Sonny is the only one that compares and she is just on a whole other level. It's like the difference in between my boys. One is 29 and one is 8. I love them both but I love the neediness of the younger ones. That's why Julian was so wonderful. He was like a child that would never grow up. I miss sitting watching TV and having him whisper sweet nothings in my ear as he rubbed on my check with his feathers all puffed up. Or crawling down my shirt and going to sleep or biting at the snap on my pants. Someday I will get another one, but it's like when you loose a baby. You can't just replace them. Julian will never be replaced, but I would love to have the love of another Sun.

The only bad thing about Julian is that he detested my younger son. Julian was the baby and when I brought home a human baby he was very resentful. If Julian had lived longer I'm sure that as my son got older he would have accepted him. Especially since my 8 year old isn't afraid of anything. He gets Sonny, the grey, all wound up playing and she can get really rough. Sometimes she bites pretty hard when she is wound that tight. He doesn't care. So I know he would have gotten Julian to accept him. He so wanted Julian to love him too. Niki, one of the cockatoos, no longer likes my 8 year old. He's way to high energy for her, but Louie the other adores him. Birds are just like humans. Some are outgoing and some are introverts.

Julian also slept with me. The cat was relagated to the foot of the bed. When my older son left Julian was the one that kept me from being down in the dumps and kept a smile on my face. He sure didn't like it when my husband moved in. Poor little guy had to sleep in his little hut. Julian also used to go for long road trips with us. We took him every where. My parents live 6 1/2 hours away so he traveled on my shoulder huddled into my neck. Sure got a kick out of people passing us then slowing down to look. Julian was very spoilt and loved. My mother even made him banana bread every time we were coming. She swore she wasn't a grandma to a bird, but actions speak louder than words. she also used to save him any fresh raspberries when we visited. My dad used to get a kick out of how Julian would perch on his foot and talk sweet nothing to his big toe. Julian was so spoilt that everyone was told in advance that they couldn't bring their dogs camping unless they kept them on a tight leash when we were also there. Julian would attack the remote or the phone if we had it. I think he felt that it was competing for our affections.

Those holey shirts are a badge of honor in my house. It shows you were loved by the most wonderful ray of sunshine there is.

As I said before I love my other birds, but Julian was in a catagory all by himself. He was the baby. I adore my Sonny, but she's like talking to my eight year old with the temperment to boot. Julian was always willing to be loved.

I'm glad we could give you some happy memories. I know thinking about Julian still hurts but in a good way. I also get to remember what a wonderful and special little guy he was. Remembering and talking with my son has helped me, but has really helped my son begin to deal with the loss. We had a wonderful conversation yesterday about all the funny things we could think of that Julian did. We laughed and cried and then laughed some more. Keeping his memories alive is also keeping his love for us alive. For those that still have their little suns they get to see how very special the bond can be between them and their little bit of sunshine.

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