Attack of the killer chickens??

I have 1 eye,
4 fingers are missing,
I have a permanent limp
......because of "KILLER CHICKENS"
I get weird looks when I tell people I have chickens....some laugh, and others make dumb remarks about me turning my place into a zoo. I live on a farm helloooo!!!

the latest was with a conversation with an old friend. Him and I have known each other since we were 15 and we were inseparable friends until I moved up here 5 yrs ago. because he works a lot and has 3 babies at home I barely get to talk to him anymore. So we finally got to catch up some the other day since the last time we spoke was in may. I got my chickens in june.

well I brought up that I had spent the day cleaning the coop and organizing the barn and he got chickens?/!!!!! I said yes, 21 and almost all of them are laying now. he went on about how he couldn't be able to do it because of the smell of the chickens and the mess they make and that I was crazy and I told him they don't stink and they are not messy birds and all the good things about chickens and the last thing he typed was OK.....LMAO!!! All you need is a rocking chair and a gun.

it just really ticks me off that people can be so darn ignorant.

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