Attacked By Dog, Not Moving. Please Help.

Agreed, she is in shock. Good advice from others. I hope she recovers, but the next 24 hours you will probably tell. My golden retriever “played with 3 different pullets who separately jumped the 4 ft fence into our yard over several weeks. The only one that died, had no marks on her, and looked fine for about a half hour. The other 2 did fine, minus missing feathers and a few scrapes. We trained him to not even look at the chickens any more, and luckily did not lose any other.
Thanks for the help everyone, but she didn't make it through the night. She fell asleep last night, and this morning she was not breathing and stiff.
So sorry. She was probably in pain, and she's not anymore. Sometimes we do everything we can but it's just not enough or not meant to be. You did your best. She knows you tried.

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