Attention Muscovy lovers

I had to reapply band aids to Solo's legs when I got home but he still seems to push himself around with his legs behind him. I tried placing him in a jar to prop him upright but he pushed his wings above the top of the jar :/
So now I'm just supporting his chest with my hand trying to teach him to stand upright. I also think his toes are curled one foot. I'll try to get a pic
I had to reapply band aids to Solo's legs when I got home but he still seems to push himself around with his legs behind him. I tried placing him in a jar to prop him upright but he pushed his wings above the top of the jar :/
So now I'm just supporting his chest with my hand trying to teach him to stand upright. I also think his toes are curled one foot. I'll try to get a pic
Here's his feet
Another drake or duck poster here. These two lovely ducklings are about 4 weeks old. The yellow one was smaller when we first got it, but now is looking a little bigger than the dark one. Suspecting he might be a drake. Was hoping for two ducks. Any opinions?

Another drake or duck poster here. These two lovely ducklings are about 4 weeks old. The yellow one was smaller when we first got it, but now is looking a little bigger than the dark one. Suspecting he might be a drake. Was hoping for two ducks. Any opinions?

lil yellow ones legs actually look like duck, give them another week or so and should be no denying which is which. Pics can be so deceiving and one of my ducks was always larger than her sissy, still is at 10weeks. But dif. a duck. They are sure cute.
Thanks Miss Lydia! I will post some more pictures in a week or so and hopefully it will be more clear then. They are so fun to watch. We are trying to get them to swim in a bigger pool (a kiddie wading pool), but they still haven't figured out how to get into it, so for now they enjoy a little dip in the lid of the garbage bin (cleaned off course).
Thanks Miss Lydia! I will post some more pictures in a week or so and hopefully it will be more clear then. They are so fun to watch. We are trying to get them to swim in a bigger pool (a kiddie wading pool), but they still haven't figured out how to get into it, so for now they enjoy a little dip in the lid of the garbage bin (cleaned off course).
Do you have some kind of steps for them to get into and out of the kiddy pool? That would make a difference with them trying it out I'm betting.

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