Attention Muscovy lovers

Found a cute pic of my ducks from June.....I wished they stayed that fuzzy!
Me too....i cant understand how those super tiny super cute fuzzy things grow so extremely FAST!!

Also, congrats on the person getting some new ducks. I really like blue and chocolate. I think the chocolate is my favorite.
Thought I would see if you guys could figure out my little ducky as well :)

I got a Muscovy for the first time and thought it was a female since it was much smaller than the others in the bunch. She/he is now going on 7 months and still hasn't laid an egg. I am starting to think "she" is really a "he"! She doesn't really make any noises unless she is alarmed and then she hisses quietly (which I have heard is a male trait). She also has what I would consider thick legs which is a male character as well (but again, I am no expert). Overall, she is still fairly small and her caruncles are just now coming in. Since females tend to get their caruncles later than males I am still crossing my fingers
. Is it still too early for laying? Today is the first official day of Spring, so it should be about that time.

I have included a picture from when I got her (she is the only one with brown coloring as a duckling) as well as some current photos. She does have "angel wing" so don't be alarmed by her appearance

So... what do you think?

How much longer will I need to wait to be sure? What is the latest a Muscovy would lay? Thanks for your response
. Hopefully I am better at guessing next time!
Some females won't go broody till their 9 months but I find when the males are younger they have slimmer longer bodies compared to females of the same age if u could post more pics that would help
Here are a few more I took today. It seems his/her caruncles have developed quite a bit more from the last pictures. Hopefully they help!


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