Attention Muscovy lovers

How many eggs do you think a Muscovy could successfully brood in the summer time?

My duck that went broody last fall looks like she wants to go broody again, but ONLY in the chicken coop where she had her last brood...but she currently has zero access to.

She keeps escaping, boggles the mind how she keeps getting out. Then she wanders about, I see her, do a
and totally surprised she hasn't managed to get herself killed yet.... and put her back where she should be.

Yesterday when she got out and I was walking over to get her she walked up the ramp to the chicken coop that she has no access to, where she had her last clutch, and stood at the top looking at the closed door and then at me.......

There are a BUNCH of eggs in the new duck coop, last I counted there were 16 in the big box nest and 8 in the dog crate.

Why won't she just nest there?!?!?! I don't wanna kick the chickens out of the chicken coop....AGAIN!!!!
What exactly does it mean to go broody? I tried googling it and from what i read on BYC i am assuming it means she wants to lay eggs??
Andreacroyle; I find the Pekins boring to look at, just plain white generic ducks, and the Muscovies are different and distinct, what with the claws, the caruncles, the crests, and their chocolate and chocolate and white pied coloration, plus the Muscovys are quiet.

Broody means she is driven to sit on her nest and incubate the eggs, not just lay them and wander off. Our Muscovies are very broody and want to hatch their eggs; the Pekin lays an egg every day but has never made any attempt to incubate. With the Pekin, it's lay it and forget it.
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By the way, I think my favorite duck is thinking of going broody, FINALLY!

Last time she started slowly, sitting for an hour or two the first couple of days, before getting serious. We saw her sit on the nest for a few hours I think she is about ready. :ya
Andreacroyle; I find the Pekins boring to look at, just plain white generic ducks, and the Muscovies are different and distinct, what with the claws, the caruncles, the crests, and their chocolate and chocolate and white pied coloration, plus the Muscovys are quiet.

Broody means she is driven to sit on her nest and incubate the eggs, not just lay them and wander off. Our Muscovies are very broody and want to hatch their eggs; the Pekin lays an egg every day but has never made any attempt to incubate. With the Pekin, it's lay it and forget it.
Thanks for replying. I didnt think of it that way, but I agree with you.
I think chocolate is my favorite Muscovy color, so congrats!

Are you getting solid, pied, ripple....??????

How do you get a chocolate scovie?  I would love to have one. 

I don't know how the first chocolate one showed up. :confused: when I bought my Muscovy, I bought them as a flock, and each one is a different color.

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