August 2016 Hatch-A-Long

I know the feeling. I'm down to one incubator now and I'm going to pack the other one up and put t in the attic so I'm not tempted.

I would say less tempted. I took mine apart because I was done (last month). But then decided to use a broody. Now I am still tempted to get it out.
I just keep telling myself it will be too cold soon. Someone might have to yell at me if I join the September hatch.
52 eggs this time most of them are black sex link and a few mix breeds. The other chicks are doing great! Anyone else hatching eggs for September hatch along?
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Good luck with your Serama hatch! Hope you will post pics.
Thank you. I will post pic's if the hatch proceeds to external pips. The air cells on these are looking pretty F'*-ed up. So I think I'll need all the luck I can get.

Anyone have tips on assisting the hatch of really funky air cells? I candled yesterday morning and from what little I could tell they all seemed to be properly positioned.
If the air cells are f×-ed up try hatching them in a egg carton so the air cell will be in the right spot when they hatch. That's what I did with the few I had and they hatched fine

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