August 2016 Hatch-A-Long

I've got "shadowing" in one of the Marans eggs :) Internal pip should be happening before too long, I think. The air cells look surprisingly good on all four. I really want a blue and a splash, so fingers crossed!
I've got "shadowing" in one of the Marans eggs :) Internal pip should be happening before too long, I think. The air cells look surprisingly good on all four. I really want a blue and a splash, so fingers crossed!

Good luck!! The blues are pretty. I ended up with 2 cockerels though :mad:
Good luck!! The blues are pretty. I ended up with 2 cockerels though :mad:

I actually hope one is a cockerel so I can breed him to my wheatens and get some blue wheatens :) I think the original creator used a blue splash over wheaten. I have a wheaten cockerel now but if I get a splash one he'll likely be rehomed to someone who wants make olive eggers.

I cute little chick so far.
Hatch is complete. Total of a baker's dozen out of 18 eggs that made it to lock-down. Makes for a 72% hatch rate of eggs in lock-down. An okay result for the first hatch with the new Rite Farm 3600 Incubator. Hatch rate may have also been affected by the hot temps and handling from farm to storage to incubator. All in all, pleased with the results since we did this cross for pullets and looks like we have four or five.

Now for the pics, FUZZIES

Congrats to all that had hatches this month. Enjoy yer birds!
Hatch is complete. Total of a baker's dozen out of 18 eggs that made it to lock-down. Makes for a 72% hatch rate of eggs in lock-down. An okay result for the first hatch with the new Rite Farm 3600 Incubator. Hatch rate may have also been affected by the hot temps and handling from farm to storage to incubator. All in all, pleased with the results since we did this cross for pullets and looks like we have four or five. Now for the pics, FUZZIES :jumpy :ya ......... Congrats to all that had hatches this month. Enjoy yer birds! :clap
Awww babies everywhere they are so cute!! Congratulations everyone!!!

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