August 2016 Hatch-A-Long

Three blues


That's great!!! :lol:
So I kept the membrane moist every 2 hrs. Until 1am when I decided both that I had to sleep and that the chick was in a good place.
This is what I woke up to

My daughter has named 'her' ladybug although my husband and I both think it will be a roo.

I think 'she' may have splayed legs so I'll try the bandaid trick
Put in a variety of eggs into my incubator on Monday. Hopefully a better hatch than last time (35%). It was my first time and I think my humidity was too high during the initial 18 days. This time I have 18 shipped eggs (6 barnevelder and 12 isbar) and around 15 or so mixed (barred Rock roo over an australorp and RIR hens) from my little herd. *fingers crossed*. What do you all keep your initial humidity around?
Put in a variety of eggs into my incubator on Monday. Hopefully a better hatch than last time (35%). It was my first time and I think my humidity was too high during the initial 18 days. This time I have 18 shipped eggs (6 barnevelder and 12 isbar) and around 15 or so mixed (barred Rock roo over an australorp and RIR hens) from my little herd. *fingers crossed*. What do you all keep your initial humidity around?

Depending on what I'm hatching, mid 30s to mid 40s.

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