August Hatch-A-Long!

Today I was out doing anything I could to take my mind off of wanting to peek in the incubator to check on my eggs. I started to feel bad about my post. It took me forever to read everything and catch up. I am glad I posted because you guys gave me so much great info and encouragement. Thanks again.

My eggs are now coming to the end of day 25, no pips. I am down to 3 eggs form 12. But I will be so happy to even get one with all of the problems.

I have bantam mixes due today but I think they will be a couple of days late. I also have Lavender Orpingtons that went into lock down today.

Tomorrow I pick up my Croad Langshan eggs at the post office. The plum egg layers. I am getting white, black and blue. I really hope they are in good shape. These are ones I have been looking forward to for awhile. Fingers crossed.

De maybe we should try and find you someone with some birds closer to you. Maybe someone who will meet you halfway so you can get some good quality eggs that dont have to go through the USPS. I knopw LOTS of people and they know LOTS of people.....let me know
Dont you have silkies coming that you drove to pick up????

That is what is hatching now. My shipped eggs were all clear or scrambled. I picked up 9 eggs. 6 fertile and 1 was a quitter. I have 2 left in the incubator, today is day 21

I think I have a blue and a splash. One that had a really difficult hatch died overnight-looked a little malformed but I was sad. Hoping th last 2 hatch today.
That is what is hatching now. My shipped eggs were all clear or scrambled. I picked up 9 eggs. 6 fertile and 1 was a quitter. I have 2 left in the incubator, today is day 21

I think I have a blue and a splash. One that had a really difficult hatch died overnight-looked a little malformed but I was sad. Hoping th last 2 hatch today.

You will see infertile a lot sometimes in Silkies. BUTT feathers need to be kept trimmed on both roos and hens or fertilization is lost. Catch my drift?
Fingers crossed for the final 2

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