August Hatch-A-Long!

it is my opinion that the humidity is sufficient! when they pip it's because they are letting oxygen in...not that they are ready to hatch...don't worry at all....could be tomorrow still!!
Day 26 the eggs never pipped and now I'm not sure if they are alive.  Looks like one might be.  I've heard of eggs hatching on day 28 so I will leave them in there.  

My bantams were due to hatch yesterday and no pips.  There were still 10 moving last time I candled.  

I put a few Lavender Orpingtons in lockdown yesterday.  All I am doing now is waiting.  No pips.  

I wonder if you could hear the chicks with a stethoscope? Has anyone tried this?
Quote: it's my experience that if the humidity is higher than you incubate it's sufficient but I live in a humid climate...if it's water fowl or peas I add a blob of wet paper towel...I'm awaiting news of your hatch! I get happy just to see others little fluffs!
Ok so I just made a contraption out of one of my cake decorating tips and a ziploc bag to add water to the bator through one of the vent holes.
Worked like a charm. My humidity is now running at about 71%.
it is my opinion that the humidity is sufficient! when they pip it's because they are letting oxygen in...not that they are ready to hatch...don't worry at all....could be tomorrow still!!
And now I see this. lol I managed to raise my humidity to 71 without opening the bator.
My pipper decided to make her pip a little bigger while I was doing it too which was awesome to see. No zipping but I guess she liked the more humid air. Woo!
So my little pipper hasn't done anything else for 2 hours. I'm assuming she's resting for a bit. When should I worry? I'm super worried that they'll try to hatch while I'm work and something will go horribly wrong. I'm leaving in 30 mins and won't be back for 9 hours.
Also I checked my humidity and I can't for the life of me get it above 60%. Will they be ok with it that low? I don't want to open the bator unless I absolutely have to...
My 2 that hatched zipped about 10-12 hours after popping externally. They would cheep and then rest and then got a burst of energy and zipped. Check with everyone else but it does take them some time

This is why you need a good relationship with the breeder you are using. Mine LOVES it when I tell her it is time to "trim" She wants to sell good quality fertile eggs.

That is funny. I plan to.let Liz know how the hatch went. She also said when it gets really hot the roosters are less fertile. I will be a happy camper if the last 2 hatch.

The one I thought was a splash is fluffed now an has the partridge stripes. Very happy. The last 2 are marked blue which could be blue, splash, or showgirl. I am hoping for a showgirl as I love my turken.
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