August/September 2013 homemade ornament swap

cant wait to see who I get!
Just wondering if people actually buy the honey and things like that. If my hubby does get the bees I'm really interested in making candles, honey, lip balm. Just wondering if it would be worth the time and effort.

Around here people LOVE the homemade honey. I have a few friends that have bees and they always run out of honey...
Ummm... that would be 30,000+ names about every 2-6 weeks - they have continual turnover in the hive all summer!

I have a waiting list every year for our honey. I haven't even made it to the farmers' market in about 4 years with any of it left.

Well, then I think I'd just have to number them
i accidentally impaled the palm of my hand on a big chunk of broken glass (down to the bone).. so my hand has been out of commission for most of this month....
hopefully next month I can get it working well enough to join in...

OMG! Can only imagine the pain. So sorry, hope you're back in commission soon with NO PAIN.
Daughters yeah thats a story in its self, my son kept his room perfect and my daughter's room should have been the boys messy messy messy, and house work it would have been easier to pull teeth, my mother said out of 7 kids 5 boys 2 girls she didn't know if she was going to survive the girls
I was the tidy easy one of the two

I have a boy and a girl and they are BOTH equally messy. It cracks me up when they each complain about how the OTHER ONE left their bathroom a mess. I'm like "Um, I've seen YOUR room too..."

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