Auraucana chick

Araucana or Auracauna? The first is a breed, the second is nothing (could just be a misspelling on your part). Is it REALLY tailless? I don't think any of the big hatcheries sell Araucana, only two I know of sell APA Ameraucana. Most co-op/farm store resellers label them whatever the hatchery they get chicks from labels them. No small Araucana breeder is likely to sell their rare birds at a co-op.

As others said, many big hatcheries refuse to call the non-breed Easter Egger by that name. Instead they call them Ameraucana or Araucana (which they are NOT), or they make up a similar sounding name like Americana so you THINK you are getting something "special". Frankly I think EEs are special. There are so many different colors and patterns. You never know what you have until they do their final juvenile moult.

Oh I’m sure I misspelled it!
Here are some pics of them (ignore the speckled sussex chicks in the background) for comparison. I completely adore EE's though so I can't see how you could possibly lose regardless of what she turns out to be!


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I've no history with Mt. Healthy (and I know yours came from the co-op, no choice) but I wouldn't deal with them because they are selling EEs as Ameraucana/Araucana. They clearly are NOT based on the pictures and description. I don't buy from liars.
Definitely EE and I’m ok with that. We live our other EE. The Co-op said the hatchery they buy from is Mt. Healthy Hatcheries. Any experience with them?
My daughter got hers from Mount Healthy last year and was very pleased. She actually lives close enough to be able to go pick them up right at the hatchery rather than have them shipped, lucky girl

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