Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Thanks Annie.
she settled down last night. I had to turn the electric fences on as she was trying to go under them to get to Castiel. We have cas in with poppy Winston and Winston was less than happy to see Bling . The horses travelled well , but it has rained most of the time , hopefully it will stop today for comp.

Good grief. The last thing you would need, would be to try and untangle your filly from fencing. Guess Winstons' ears, are almost permanently laid back ???

Trust the weather clears up for you all, and that your daughter does very well in the competitions.

Cheers .......
Good grief.   The last thing you would need, would be to try and untangle your filly from fencing.   Guess Winstons' ears, are almost permanently laid back ???  :mad:

Trust the weather clears up for you all, and that your daughter does very well in the competitions. 

Cheers ....... 

Nothing wrong with our weather , it's Victoria's weather she is subjected at the moment.

She actually tried to climb under the ralings in the background of that pic.
Fizzybelle .... I have had a thought.

In a previous post you mentioned a bob-cat had been used in your back garden / near chickens area ? Might she have been hit in the face, front on, by a clod of earth from all this work. Not enough to be noticeable, but enough to cause injury to the eyes ?. The yard is looking like a disaster site ( you said ), which no doubt might upset chookies a bit ... and perhaps Agnes is especially fragile in the way she handles changes etc. Only you would know that. And she is sitting 'safe by her coop' ... maybe she doesn't want to keep up with the others, considering the work going on around about.

I am sorry, but I now cannot recall ... exactly how you came to find that Agnes had a bad eye in the first place, and what it looked like etc.

The fact that she enjoyed her mealworms and sunflower seeds, is a very positive sign. Did you hand feed her those, or did she have to pick them up off the ground herself ?

Have no doubt she is getting the very very best of attention ~ veterinary and your undivided caring for her. How would she react to being brought inside ? ... for not only constant observation, but to be away from all the changes taking place, and to be nearer to you as she most likely loves to be. You could also check how much she is eating etc., that way.
If you have a pen, crate or small spare room she could be in on paper and straw or whatever you have on flooring in coops, would be good. An upended chair that has rungs on it, could be a roosting area. Is she in fact, still roosting ?

Sorry to be a pest, but have rambled on as more thoughts struck. Just hope it all turns out well for you both.

The mealworm farm fiasco had me smiling. Cheeky chookie, Annabelle. I really think we do underestimate at times, just how smart a chicken can be.

And thanks for your good wishes for Mandy ~ who today seems better, but will only know how much better by about Tuesday ~ vet said give it 3 days or so for results to show.

Cheers .......

Oh the bobcat was only here on Saturday, this started way before then, and there was no indication of trauma to the eye in her exam a week ago. I initally noticed her left eyelid was swollen looking. She looked like she'd been wincing a bit for a while as she looked down at the ground to peck prior to that, but when I looked at her there was no evidence of any swelling or injury, and she was otherwise fine. She's still eating out of the bowl, though not as much, and sleeping in her normal spot.

Annabelle also tried it again whilst I had the door open, going in and out cleaning bowls. She was chased out before she could get any worms ;)
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Good morning folks

sjturner since I started keeping records, the best month we had was October last year when we got 101 eggs from 6 little girls. We are now down to 5 girls.

Tee hee Fizzybelle loved the Annabelle/meal worm tale

Hey anniebee yeah, a couple of times Chucky has looked Kookaburra-ish but definitely not. He sings a beautiful song which is not Kookie. I do not think he has grown and if he has, not much. He does not appear to be changing in colour and I am wondering if he is going to. Wonderful to read that Mandy sounds like she is improving.

Funnily enough, I do not like Mangoes. Hubby does, but no way he is going to be able to eat them all which is why I do not mind that the possums and bats get a feast. As mentioned, any rescued that hubby can not eat I will take into work. I will share a pic if the crop turns out to be as bountiful as it promises; it should be fairly impressive.
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Good morning folks :frow

sjturner since I started keeping records, the best month we had was October last year when we got 101 eggs from 6 little girls.  We are now down to 5 girls.

Tee hee Fizzybelle loved the Annabelle/meal worm tale :lau

Hey anniebee yeah, a couple of times Chucky has looked Kookaburra-ish but definitely not.  He sings a beautiful song which is not Kookie.  I do not think he has grown and if he has, not much.  He does not appear to be changing in colour and I am wondering if he is going to.  Wonderful to read that Mandy sounds like she is improving.

Funnily enough, I do not like Mangoes.  Hubby does, but no way he is going to be able to eat them all which is why I do not mind that the possums and bats get a feast.  As mentioned, any rescued that hubby can not eat I will take into work.  I will share a pic if the crop turns out to be as bountiful as it promises; it should be fairly impressive.

I"m the same we grow mangoes but i don't eat them either.
Teila ....

Always great to hear about Chucky ......S/he is gorgeous, and I rather think you might have him/her for life, except for a while during breeding season - later on.

As for the mango fruit ... Wow - If I could access that tree, if it fruits well - the possums and bats would not get a look in. !!


To anyone and everyone ----- HELP !!

Do you think I can find anywhere - anywhere at all, that explains why eggs should be with-held from a chicken who is on anti-biotics - to explain in plain English, and from an authoritative position ???? . NO WAY.

- - except for this thread on BYC - page 2. ..... the rest of this thread is about other a/b's - what to give, and how, then it descends into a minor punch up and not so friendly advice, then it fizzles out.

I can find absolutely nothing more about with-holding and why - and I am reasonably good at googling.
Noroclav for animals / birds, is Augmentin for humans.


Added to that, the day has arrived - two eggs in the coop 'ground' nest today. So, unless Molly has had a freak-out in the egg laying department, both girls laid.

And I can cautiously say, that Mandy seems to be improving - less sitting down - leg has gone back to same size as the other one ... and she remains on the anti-biotic ( Noroclav ) until next Saturday. She is easy to handle, in giving these whopping big pink tablets in chunks. Dear Mandy - a good girl.

Noroclav has a 'semi-synthetic penicillin' (?) a/b in it - amoxycillin, plus clavulanic acid, so I cannot touch them, without risking a reaction. ( am allergic to penicillin ) Vet advice ( not my usual vet though ) advised 3-4 weeks withholding to be on the safest side, but also advised that 2 weeks was the norm. ? [ young vet ]. Will try and speak to my best Vet tomorrow !!

Can anyone advise why it would be ok to give these to chickens ( scrambled and well cooked ) .... and not to humans ( or dogs I presume - only raw btw, never cooked eggs for dogs ). Well, I would not give to the dogs, even though both have had noroclav in the past. Page 2 of the link explains it quite well, ( from America ) but I would like someone here to advise if possible, cos I trust you all. I will also be asking my chemist about it, too. He is excellent, and also gives opinions on various items ( fish oil / glucosomine etc ) for dogs as well ( based on weight ).

Thing is, I think ( but cannot be 100% sure ) that I can identify who laid what. One problem though .... Mandy began squatting and became super red combed, before Molly did. And now it would appear that Molly RIR has laid more than Mandy has ( understandable as Mandy has been more uncomfortable than I realised
- I feel really horrible about that actually ) ....

My camera is playing up again - and I don't trust my mobile phone to take the correct photos' but will try later in the week to do something about that. Not that you will see much difference. !!! I DO know which eggs are edible from the big coop, that are in the fridge, as they are from 'before a/bs' and not after. And appear to have all been from Molly ?, but then again, maybe not. Meantime, I eat only Mindys' eggs - which are getting larger, and coming back gradually to more of a green > blue colour.

Two of the eggs have very distinctive 'sprays' on them - one white sprayed ??????? ... and the other developed as it cooled, a fine darker brownish spray ( Mandy ? - today ). Welsummers are supposed to spray dark brown on terra cotta. That egg is ultra-fine dark brown on beige - the other, yesterday, as mentioned, a fine white spray on pink ! Molly normally lays pink. .... So has Molly laid a pink egg with a white spray ( doubt it ) ... after laying slightly darker eggs to begin with, recently .......

or WHAT ?

Further little prob. ... Hubby thinks he could and should eat Mandy's eggs ????? What might happen if he did ? ( I will talk him out of it, or throw out the eggs before he can get to them ). I know what many will suggest ..... chuck 'em out.
which I am happy enough to do ( sort of ).

HELP ~!! ( and thank you in advance ).

Cheers........ from Madam Paranoia

p.s. Googled the colour of RIR eggs ...... now wish I hadn't !! LOL.
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Teila .... 

Always great to hear about Chucky ......S/he is gorgeous, and I rather think  you might have him/her for life, except for a while during breeding season - later on.    

As for the mango fruit ... Wow - If I could access that tree,  if it fruits well - the possums and bats would not get a look in. !! :lol:


To anyone and everyone ----- HELP !!  

Do you think I can find anywhere - anywhere at all, that explains why eggs should be with-held from a chicken who is on anti-biotics - to explain in plain English, and from an authoritative position ???? . NO  WAY.   

 - - except for this thread on BYC - page 2.  ..... the rest of this thread  is about other a/b's - what to give, and how.   I can find absolutely nothing more about with-holding and why - and I am reasonably  good at googling.  ;)    Noroclav for animals / birds, is Augmentin for humans. 


Added to that, the day has arrived - two eggs in the coop 'ground' nest today.   So, unless Molly has had a freak-out  in the egg laying department, both girls laid.  

And I can cautiously say, that Mandy seems to be improving -  less sitting down - leg has gone back to same size as the other one ... and she remains on the anti-biotic ( Noroclav ) until next Saturday.   She is  easy to handle, in giving these whopping big pink tablets in chunks.  Dear Mandy - a good girl.  

Noroclav has a 'semi-synthetic  penicillin' (?)   a/b in it - amoxycillin, plus clavulanic acid,  so I cannot touch them, without risking a reaction.  ( am allergic to penicillin )   Vet advice ( not my usual vet though ) advised 3-4 weeks withholding to be on the safest side.   Also advised that 2 weeks was the norm. ?  Will try and speak to my best Vet tomorrow !! 

Can anyone advise why it would be ok to give these to  chickens ( scrambled and well cooked ) .... and not to humans or dogs ( dogs - only raw btw, never cooked eggs for dogs ).  Well, I would not do that for the dogs, even though both have had noroclav in the past.     Page 2 of the link explains it quite well, ( from America ) but I would like someone here to advise if possible, cos I trust you all.  I will also be asking my chemist about it, too.   He is excellent, and also gives opinions on various vitamins for animals as well ( based on weight - dogs & cats ).    

Thing is, I think ( but cannot be 100% sure ) that I can identify who laid what.   One problem though .... Mandy began squatting and became super red combed, before Molly did.  
And now it would appear that Molly RIR has laid more than Mandy has ( understandable as Mandy has been more uncomfortable than I realised  :(  - I feel really awful about that
actually ) .... 

My camera is playing up again - and I don't trust my mobile phone to take the correct photos' but will try later in the week to do something about that.   Not that you will see much difference. !!!    I DO know which eggs are edible from the big coop, that are in the fridge, as they are from 'before a/bs' and not after.  And appear to have all been from Molly ?, but then again, maybe not.   Meantime, I eat only Mindys' eggs - which are getting larger, and coming back  gradually to more of a green > blue colour.  

Two of the eggs have very distinctive 'sprays' on them - one white sprayed ??????? ... and the other developed as it cooled,  a fine darker brownish spray ( Mandy ? - today ).  Welsummers are supposed to spray dark brown on terra cotta.   That egg  is ultra-fine dark brown on beige - the other, yesterday,  as mentioned, a fine white spray on pink !   Molly normally lays pink.  ... as apparently most RIR's do.   .... So has Molly laid a pink egg  with a white spray ( doubt it ) ... after laying slightly darker eggs to begin with .......

or WHAT ? 

Further little prob.   ... Hubby thinks he could and should eat Mandy's eggs ?????   What might happen if he did ?  ( I will talk him out of it, or throw out the eggs ).   I just know what many will suggest ..... chuck 'em out. :sick

HELP ~!!   ( and thank you in advance ).  

Cheers........  from Madam Paranoia   :barnie

There is no way of knowing how much of the antibiotic will find its way into the eggs. Antibiotics in our food chain are creating a resistance in human medicine.
Studies have been done and traces of any drug can be found inside the yolk.
There is no way of knowing how much of the antibiotic will find its way into the eggs. Antibiotics in our food chain are creating a resistance in human medicine.
Studies have been done and traces of any drug can be found inside the yolk.

Fancy - thank you... an interesting read, and it did give some answers. I had read about the super bug problem that could arise from eating meat / eggs with traces of anti-biotic in them. The over-use of anti-biotics in all kinds of food producing animals being stamped out now - or is it I wonder.

Somewhat similar thing to people who do not finish the entire course of a/b's, which can leave them vulnerable to a decreased effect, when next that a/b is administered - and so on.

I will just have to rely on my best vet ... and chemists' advice, together with your kind help and response.

And I must desist in being paranoid about my tiny flock of 3 chickens. Time I took a break I think, from posting for a while.


Not sure if this bit will be published .... !!

My original comment was censored when you quoted / reposted it in reply.

A part of it was completely cut out.. with a horizontal line added. ??

I will say no more, other than, Ye Gods !!! ....

Cheers ........
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Teila .... 

Always great to hear about Chucky ......S/he is gorgeous, and I rather think  you might have him/her for life, except for a while during breeding season - later on.    

As for the mango fruit ... Wow - If I could access that tree,  if it fruits well - the possums and bats would not get a look in. !! :lol:


To anyone and everyone ----- HELP !!  

Do you think I can find anywhere - anywhere at all, that explains why eggs should be with-held from a chicken who is on anti-biotics - to explain in plain English, and from an authoritative position ???? . NO  WAY.   

 - - except for this thread on BYC - page 2.  ..... the rest of this thread  is about other a/b's - what to give, and how, then it descends into a minor punch up and not so friendly advice, then it fizzles out.  

I can find absolutely nothing more about with-holding and why - and I am reasonably  good at googling.  ;)    Noroclav for animals / birds, is Augmentin for humans. 


Added to that, the day has arrived - two eggs in the coop 'ground' nest today.   So, unless Molly has had a freak-out in the egg laying department, both girls laid.  

And I can cautiously say, that Mandy seems to be improving -  less sitting down - leg has gone back to same size as the other one ... and she remains on the anti-biotic ( Noroclav ) until next Saturday.   She is easy to handle, in giving these whopping big pink tablets in chunks.  Dear Mandy - a good girl.  

Noroclav has a 'semi-synthetic  penicillin' (?)   a/b in it - amoxycillin, plus clavulanic acid,  so I cannot touch them, without risking a reaction.  ( am allergic to penicillin )   Vet advice ( not my usual vet though ) advised 3-4 weeks withholding to be on the safest side, but also advised that 2 weeks was the norm. ? [ young vet ].     Will try and speak to my best Vet tomorrow !! 

Can anyone advise why it would be ok to give these to  chickens ( scrambled and well cooked ) .... and not to humans ( or dogs I presume - only raw btw, never cooked eggs for dogs ).  Well, I would not give to the dogs, even though both have had noroclav in the past.     Page 2 of the link explains it quite well, ( from America ) but I would like someone here to advise if possible, cos I trust you all.  I will also be asking my chemist about it, too.   He is excellent, and also gives opinions on various items ( fish oil / glucosomine etc ) for dogs as well ( based on weight ).    

Thing is, I think ( but cannot be 100% sure ) that I can identify who laid what.   One problem though .... Mandy began squatting and became super red combed, before Molly did.   And now it would appear that Molly RIR has laid more than Mandy has ( understandable as Mandy has been more uncomfortable than I realised  :(  - I feel really horrible about that actually ) .... 

My camera is playing up again - and I don't trust my mobile phone to take the correct photos' but will try later in the week to do something about that.   Not that you will see much difference. !!!    I DO know which eggs are edible from the big coop, that are in the fridge, as they are from 'before a/bs' and not after.  And appear to have all been from Molly ?, but then again, maybe not.   Meantime, I eat only Mindys' eggs - which are getting larger, and coming back  gradually to more of a green > blue colour.  

Two of the eggs have very distinctive 'sprays' on them - one white sprayed ??????? ... and the other developed as it cooled,  a fine darker brownish spray ( Mandy ? - today ).  Welsummers are supposed to spray dark brown on terra cotta.   That egg  is ultra-fine dark brown on beige - the other, yesterday,  as mentioned, a fine white spray on pink !   Molly normally lays pink.   .... So has Molly laid a pink egg  with a white spray ( doubt it ) ... after laying slightly darker eggs to begin with, recently .......

or WHAT ? 

Further little prob.   ... Hubby thinks he could and should eat Mandy's eggs ?????   What might happen if he did ?  ( I will talk him out of it, or throw out the eggs before he can get to them ).   I  know what many will suggest ..... chuck 'em out. :sick  which I am happy enough to do ( sort of ).  

HELP ~!!   ( and thank you in advance ).  

Cheers........  from Madam Paranoia   :barnie  

p.s.   Googled the colour of RIR eggs ...... now wish I hadn't !!  LOL.   

I waited 4 weeks on vets advice years ago after the neighbours dogs attacked my flock. A few ducks were on antibiotics for injuries. I would not feed the eggs back to the hens as you are basically giving them back small amounts of antibiotics.

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