Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Does anyone know where there are chicken compititions where i can show off speckle in perth

Sorry not helpful on Perth shows but as a general rule most chicken groups on Facebook etc advertise them.
The cages the council has here for possums are too small. Not allowed trap possums on purpose.
I don't have a room where I could lock the, up - but the percentage is high enough to dedicate a run to almost.
The d'uccles are easy - just take the nest egg away and they break themselves. Leave the egg and they stay clucky. Funny little things.

I have still not had a broody Belgian. So many people tell me how they are really broody. Not mine so far.

The traps here ( Victoria ) are very humane and large, and possums ( particularly the Brush Tails )  have to be trapped when they get into rooves, make nests and pee onto the ceiling etc. ( yes - even through insulation batts ).   Council provides instructions, and I think they hire out traps, ..... Natural and other safe repellents are also legal to spray or paint on plants ( with only some success cos not much will stop a hungry possum  :rolleyes:  ).  

Doesn't Queensland allowing humane trapping of possums ?  

Have had the problem in the roof here ( mumma and babe !! ) ... and set the trap for Mumma, and hubby reached in to get bubba out during the day to put in with her - while Mum nibbled ( half asleep ) on bread and jam, with water in the trap  too if she wanted it.   We got our trap from a neighbour who had purchased one for the problem.   

Had to move quickly to repair the roof in 3 places, so's they would not get back in.  And had to release her and bub early evening while still lightish - 50 metres within our area .... as taking them to another area would be certain death for them -  possums are soooo territorial and viciously protect their surrounds.  There are strict rules for it all, and if not obeyed, a fine of up to $5000. !!  hmmm.


Sounds like  you have the clucky problem solved though now ... the d'uccles sound like little dreams .... 

Cheers ...... 

Hi, we can get a professional trap and remove possums from our house but the same as you we have to release them no further away than 50m.

The council doesn't do it - that I know. The cage the council had here when we caught a possum in a fox trap was too small for a standard chicken.

I can have 7+ possums on my back deck on any given night. I have terrible trouble with fleas.

Everyone should own a d'uccle. If could breed them I would.
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Thank you to : 

>  Satay - replying to my query about fish oil for chickens and for congratulating Mindy and her double yolker. 

>  SilkieChickStar and Teila for ovations. 

>  MyHaven for info about Redhen 17 tucker, to do with double-yolks from your girls - - and an excellent wish for being able to bookmark or something so's not to lose the place we         are at when on BYC.   I Word Document things, but still have to go back and forth, from time to time, when replying specifically. 

>  On that score, if I have neglected to thank anyone for something ... apologies.

>  And hearty welcomes to GingerRoseShy and Chloza ....   

>  Great photo's of some lovely chickens and eggs on here these past couple of days too ........ 

Cheers ..... 

I use the iPad doing most of my catching up on the train or with child on lap. I wish I had the PC set up. Grateful I can access site on mobile devices though. Even with the dropouts and occasional repeated posting.
The cages the council has here for possums are too small. Not allowed trap possums on purpose.
I don't have a room where I could lock the, up - but the percentage is high enough to dedicate a run to almost.
The d'uccles are easy - just take the nest egg away and they break themselves. Leave the egg and they stay clucky. Funny little things.

I am not using my spare crate [large dog crate] at the moment .. you are welcome to borrow it if you like?

Hi, we can get a professional trap and remove possums from our house but the same as you we have to release them no further away than 50m.

The council doesn't do it - that I know. The cage the council had here when we caught a possum in a fox trap was too small for a standard chicken.

I can have 7+ possums on my back deck on any given night. I have terrible trouble with fleas.

Everyone should own a d'uccle. If could breed them I would.

I found a momma and baby in the coop yesterday. Bub was so little he could hardly grab onto mums fur. We had 7 living in the upstairs dorma bedrooms when we bought the property. They were none too happy to be evicted. It's been our experience that for every possum you ' relocate ' , another takes up residence. So we just live with them. They play rugby on the bullnose verandah, at least that's what it sounds like.
Good morning folks

Aaaw MyHaven your three little broodies are adorable!

Ouch satay! Is that Little Teila? She is gorgeous!

Hey SilkieChickStar I am late to the party again but yep, that post just looks like a densely foggy day
Cilla stands in the coop and shouts at anyone in her nest box, even if she does not want to use it

Fizzybelle love the pic of Mabel!

Welcome to BYC and the thread GingerRoseShy, nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you also Chloza [sorry, can’t remember if you have posted here before]. I can not help with your question but agree that local poultry clubs would probably be the best starting point.

Thank you all for the feedback on Coopex. I currently use the low irritant surface spray that Fancy recommends and on a weekend, when I know the girls are going to be out all day, pretty much spray the whole coop, roosts and all. While I do not spray the nest boxes [dusted] I do not take them out.

However, I note with the Coopex you need to take the nest boxes out. I also note that one site mentioned that the chickens should not get it on their skin .. does that mean you can not use it on the roost?

With the 4 months, would it be plausible that you could treat the coop at the start of Spring [now] and then not have to worry about mites or lice for that 4 months?

I need to get that critter cam I keep talking about but in the meantime, wanna play ‘Whose Poop’?

Spotted this morning, next to the run, on the pavers … bigger than a rodent poop and may be a cat poop but a very small one and just the one with obviously no attempt to hide or bury it:

Good morning folks :frow Aaaw MyHaven your three little broodies are adorable! Ouch satay! Is that Little Teila? She is gorgeous! Hey SilkieChickStar I am late to the party again but yep, that post just looks like a densely foggy day ;) Cilla stands in the coop and shouts at anyone in her nest box, even if she does not want to use it :rolleyes: Fizzybelle love the pic of Mabel! Welcome to BYC and the thread GingerRoseShy, nice to meet you. Nice to meet you also Chloza [sorry, can’t remember if you have posted here before]. I can not help with your question but agree that local poultry clubs would probably be the best starting point. Thank you all for the feedback on Coopex. I currently use the low irritant surface spray that Fancy recommends and on a weekend, when I know the girls are going to be out all day, pretty much spray the whole coop, roosts and all. While I do not spray the nest boxes [dusted] I do not take them out. However, I note with the Coopex you need to take the nest boxes out. I also note that one site mentioned that the chickens should not get it on their skin .. does that mean you can not use it on the roost? With the 4 months, would it be plausible that you could treat the coop at the start of Spring [now] and then not have to worry about mites or lice for that 4 months? I need to get that critter cam I keep talking about but in the meantime, wanna play ‘Whose Poop’? Spotted this morning, next to the run, on the pavers … bigger than a rodent poop and may be a cat poop but a very small one and just the one with obviously no attempt to hide or bury it:
Morning. The coopex is pyrethrum also but the same caution needs to be taken when spraying anything around the coop. Remove all feed and water dishes and best done when the birds are out for the day. It would be nice if you could just spray once but as long as you have ' visitors ' feathered or fur bringing lice and mites in you will need to treat. Sparrows are the worst culprits here. Prevention is better than cure and spraying the surfaces will definitely put a dent in numbers.

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