Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

I foolishly tried eating pizza shapes in front of them again, and I wound up wrestling one back off Annabelle, boy the strength she has when it's needed! lol. And those Seabrights are so very pretty!:love Thanks LuckysMum, looks like they're about the size of a D'Uccle then if they're pigeon sized.

It's been really hot in Brisbane over the past few days, is everyone's chooks (whether you're in Brissy or not, it's mid summer now) coping with the heat ok? The midday meal of watermelon has been very well received lately. Hosing the trees and ground though, not so much, which is odd and annoying, as they love to stand out in the rain like silly fools, but the sprinkler setting on the hose? Nope.Glad I got the fan for them too, they've needed it.

We had 44c on new years ever and it was still 30c at 2.30am when we went to bed yesterday. Yesterday got to 43.2c. all mine have seemed to do ok .
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We had 44c on new years ever and it was still 30c at 2.30am when we went to bed yesterday. Yesterday got to 43.2c. all mine have seemed to do ok .

Dear god, that's just awful. You definitely need the relief more than we do, glad you're all coping ok though. Humidity's up here, so that's what's making it worse. We were promised a week of showers starting tonight, and they better happen

Telia, I think my girls, well Ada and Annabelle anyway, would have no problems confronting those scary rhinoceros beetles. Me though, eww no, lol. I can see how they might be a bit scary for Pekins. Ada's helped me clear up some orb weavers which we seem to be inundated by lately, and saved me from a cicada (god I HATE those things). Speaking of Pekins, Esmé now holds the title for Australia's filthiest chicken. Watermelon juice and dirt do not a pretty chicken make. I won't embarrass her with a photo. I'm hoping the predicted rains remedy the situation for me, swapping a dirty face and body, for the usual dirty feet.

Here's a pic of Mabel I snapped yesterday, they had some chilled corn as an afternoon treat. Note the concentration as she calculates where to take the next bite from. Such focus, such intensity!

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Cool change overnight, misty rain all night, very pleasant. Hot enough here in Sydney, I can imagine how hot it is in Brisbane. My girls don't like getting wet, even my dog hates walking on the grass.
Reading up on breeds, think I might indulge in a few more bantams friend of mine is selling some. 3 hour drive though, I'll have to get a cat carrier for them.
Stay away from those pizza shapes.
Cool change overnight, misty rain all night, very pleasant. Hot enough here in Sydney, I can imagine how hot it is in Brisbane. My girls don't like getting wet, even my dog hates walking on the grass.
Reading up on breeds, think I might indulge in a few more bantams friend of mine is selling some. 3 hour drive though, I'll have to get a cat carrier for them.
Stay away from those pizza shapes.

Hehehe I'll stick to eating them in front of the computer/tv. What bantams are you thinking of getting? I've finally narrowed down my list to four breeds; Blue Australorp, Seabright, Houdan or Polish (frizzle preferably) and salmon Faverolle (those fluffy cheeks!) Out of those four, I will pick two.

I the benefit of the Seabright though, is that they appeal more to my interpretation of chicken math. Since they're so small, along with Beatrice my D'Uccle, that's roughly half a full sized chicken when put together
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Fizzy belle I like the partridge bantam an the buff, my sweet lavender Pekin if I can find one like her. I still don't understand how the poor thing got a neurological virus? Where does something like that come from? She was fine 3 weeks ago. I also like the faverolle and the polish, they certainly are stunning. Another year begins safe travels.
Hard to say why. I asked myself that with my Agnes, best guess was genetics or a tumor. At least they had good lives whilst they were with us, Tillicans, lets hope this is a good year for our flocks, with additions and not subtractions

It finally rained here tonight, and with the rain came the biggest, ugliest cane toad my torch has come across in our yard so far. Disgusting things. I really love frogs, but cane toads, well, who likes them really? I need something else to take care of them quickly, dettol on the back doesn't work in the wet.
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Hard to say why. I asked myself that with my Agnes, best guess was genetics or a tumor. At least they had good lives whilst they were with us, Tillicans, lets hope this is a good year for our flocks, with additions and not subtractions :)

It finally rained here tonight, and with the rain came the biggest, ugliest cane toad my torch has come across in our yard so far. Disgusting things. I really love frogs, but cane toads, well, who likes them really? I need something else to take care of them quickly, dettol on the back doesn't work in the wet.

We got a lovely inch of rain too and the temp has dropped which is a nice change, It's only meant to get to 28c here today after the last few days i may just need a jumper. :lau

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