Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Camouflage chickens!! :lau


Here is my hatch:

All the Buff sussex are out or pipped and zipping. 11/11

I have 2 surviving Speckled Sussex and both look like buff sussex.

I have 1 surviving Minorca who has pipped but not hatched.

And 1 Turkey poult (yay, a turkey poult!!!!!).

Everything else was Dead In Shell. It looks like they all passed away about 3 days ago at lockdown. Maybe I upped the humidity too high or something? I just don't know what happened. I started with 18 assorted (from which I have 3 chicks if the minorca hatches) 12 turkey eggs (1 hatched, 1 more pipped and was then smothered when the Sussex rolled it onto it's air hole, closing the pip up) and 12 Buff Sussex (from which I have hatched the 11 which were fertile). I've heard of turkey eggs passing at lockdown/DIS but I don't know what to do to stop it.
Yay! A Turkey baby! Well done on your hatch, it's a shame about your ones that were dead in shell. How high was your humidity?
Well, that sounds like it must be really bad, Luke. :eek:

I picked up some Australorp chickies today. All girls hopefully. 1 black, 3 blue and 1 splash. Love the colours.

Hatch has started, 3 out, 29 to go.

That is certainly a mixed hatch, colourful. Some good, some bad. A turkey, :weee

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