Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Does anyone have fertile Marans eggs for sale?
I would like to know price per dozen, half dozen and colours before buying.
Please no PM as I'll forget.
Thanks, Lucas

I saw a lady here in WA advertised Marans eggs and their colour today, can find her on FB 'Katt's Cluckers'
She did very well in the emerald series finishing 13th against some very stiff competition. The winner was Chris Chugg, 6 time Olympic medalist on a million dollar stallion. She's quite happy with her little $500 thoroughbred placing that well in a field of 120 . They are all having a well deserved rest before the next competition.

That is great result!

Either light Sussex or coro Sussex.

Aaaaw what a sweetie!

These pics of babies & juveniles are not helping my patience. So sweet!

Best I get the food sorted first. Thanks for the unput. Only about 18 more days to go.

Yesterday I set up Blondie's own little private broody box and popped her in it with a couple of dud eggs just to see if she took to the new surroundings. She did the whole "let me out, let me out, let me out" routine and then looked in the nest box "ooooh eggs!" . Once she saw the eggs she settled right down and stayed put (she has been sitting on fresh air and straw for a week). She is one determined broody!

I switched out the 2 duds for 6 mixed bantam eggs this morning. Blondie is a happy little chicken!
21 days to go!

It is teeming with rain this morning. So glad it's Friday for me and 5 days off!

*Insert green-eyed-monster emoticon* .. sooo jealous!
That is great result! :clap

Aaaaw what a sweetie! :love

Yesterday I set up Blondie's own little private broody box and popped her in it with a couple of dud eggs just to see if she took to the new surroundings.  She did the whole "let me out, let me out, let me out" routine and then looked in the nest box "ooooh eggs!" .  Once she saw the eggs she settled right down and stayed put (she has been sitting on fresh air and straw for a week).  She is one determined broody!  

I switched out the 2 duds for 6 mixed bantam eggs this morning.   Blondie is a happy little chicken! :yiipchick   21 days to go!

*Insert green-eyed-monster emoticon* .. sooo jealous!

Ignore Sam she loves to show off her weather :p :lau
We have had a little bit of rain, the lawn is green again ... what I need more than rain is 5 days off work! ;)  

We have misty sprinkling. Does that count lol. Not sure it will green anything up, mind you we have had enough rain lately that I'm quite happy with that.

What we want is some nice sunny weather, kids are hanging out to get in the pool, we finally got it in right towards the end of the swimming season last year so they keep looking at it longingly :). They got in a couple of days ago but didn't last long it was so cold they got brain freeze headaches lol
Thanks Teila good luck on your hatch.

Apps mine wanted the beach I said no play under the sprinkler they lasted 10 mins. I says now wasn't it a good thing we didn't drive 50ins to the beach for a 10 min swim huh! Mums never know anything apparently.

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