Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

So glad for our bore. I would hate to imagibe the amount I would have spent having water deliverd this year if it had not been for the bore. Was well worth the $10 000 investment when we first moved here.
A mate of mine has spent thousands "trying" to dig a bore. All so far have come up empty. I should have paid more attention when dad was trying to teach me how to use the devining rod :)
Would be rich lol
A mate of mine has spent thousands "trying" to dig a bore. All so far have come up empty. I should have paid more attention when dad was trying to teach me how to use the devining rod :)
Would be rich lol

Yeah i have heard horror stories too., The guy that did ours showed me how to devine it was actually quite fun. Our bore is 60 metres down to hit water. Scarey keeping your fingers crossed that you get something for the money if not you still have to pay and you come up empty.
I have a plan. Im going to kick the babies out of their side. The coops is still split up but ive left the gate open so they can come and go as they please. Im going to put the broody in there and lock it. That way she wont get bothered by the others. Will giver yesterdays eggs yto sit on today to keep her going and put the eggs under her tonight.

fingers crossed!
I have a plan. Im going to kick the babies out of their side. The coops is still split up but ive left the gate open so they can come and go as they please. Im going to put the broody in there and lock it. That way she wont get bothered by the others. Will giver yesterdays eggs yto sit on today to keep her going and put the eggs under her tonight.

fingers crossed!

Plan 2 was going well till I had to move her to grab yhe unfertile eggs. But yay they are so pretty

Hello Aussies!
It's been a year since I was in here, there are a LOT of posts I've missed in that time, so please forgive me for not reading it all and catching up to speed before jumping back into the convo's.

It's been a hell of a year, so I haven't been online.
Long story short, we lost my grandmother, some livestock and and all of our chooks around the same time, so I've been hiding away sulking miserably.
Poultry-less and sulky, I decided to finally get off my butt and do something positive with life again.
I'm back on the path to poultry parentage, starting all over again.

A very kind lovely member of this site gifted me some eggs and my hubby bought me some of my other favourite breed.
Currently there are 9 Australorp and 9 Barnevelder eggs in lockdown. Due to hatch any day now.
I have to admit, it really does feel good to be getting back in the poultry game. My new chickens haven't hatched yet, but they've already brought me happiness, motivation and something to look forward to.
Yay for chickens!!

And yay for Christmas cake!!
....but boo to empty bores. I hope you find some water soon. Fingers are crossed for you.

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