Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

cable ties....for chooks, budgies, crabs....

nothing wrong with cable ties!
Howdy folks

Nu2chooks15 fingers crossed that you have some eggs soon

satay congrats on the bubby and hopefully more soon .. looking forward to the pics

I didn’t feel the earthquake but, like you, not much chance at 02:00am, dead to the world!

Fancy congrats also! Love the pics … so so adorable!

When I reach for the cable ties .. hubby’s eyes roll

So, for a change, I have news……..

I ended up taking Chimee to the Emergency Vet who wanted to keep her overnight on a drip and do some tests but also gave me the option of taking her home and keeping a very close eye on her.

Chimee was so scared at the Vets, I opted to bring her home and if she did not get better, take her to her normal Vet this morning. She was miserable for the day but much better this morning and ate some boiled chicken and tonight she is trying to hunt geckos through the fly wire

As the Vet suggested, it was probably just a bout of gastro or something she ate.

In other news … Cilla is broody and I have caved! Tonight she is snuggled up on one egg she stole off someone and I have feelers out for Pekin Frizzle eggs
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Do you have a Samsung phone? I do and it isn't compatible with uploading to byc.

Well, bollocks! I will have to do it off my computer....
Hmmm re Samsung (might need to try myself just to be certain lol
... but not today
as I need to put this thread/site onto my phone first ... but good to have the heads up just in case.

Howdy folks

Nu2chooks15 fingers crossed that you have some eggs soon

So, for a change, I have news……..

I ended up taking Chimee to the Emergency Vet who wanted to keep her overnight on a drip and do some tests but also gave me the option of taking her home and keeping a very close eye on her.

Chimee was so scared at the Vets, I opted to bring her home and if she did not get better, take her to her normal Vet this morning. She was miserable for the day but much better this morning and ate some boiled chicken and tonight she is trying to hunt geckos through the fly wire

As the Vet suggested, it was probably just a bout of gastro or something she ate.

In other news … Cilla is broody and I have caved! Tonight she is snuggled up on one egg she stole off someone and I have feelers out for Pekin Frizzle eggs
No eggs yet but shouldn't be long now SURELY!!! Poor Chimee but glad she's feeling better now. Hope you get the eggs you want so you can get little
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Ash, those cam pics are interesting. Dogs can't get in so I'm pretty sure we are safe from foxes.

Satay, I do have a pet snake actually. It's an outdoor snake called Olive who feeds herself. I think (& hope) it's a tree snake. After several sightings I resigned myself to her living here & gave her a name. Hubby found a huge skin in a tree on the side of the house I call snake alley this weekend. I'm pretending it is from Olive because one snake is all I can cope with. Congrats on the chick! I look forward to pics once they are all out & about.

Fancy, I don't know if it's your photo's or there is just something about silkie mums, but they look so cute!

Steampunked, your coop and run sounds great. I look forward to seeing a few pics. : )

OutpostJWB, hope all goes well with the big snow coming.

Teila - good luck with your egg hunt.

I'm down to 7 chooks. Two pullets went to a really nice home on Sunday. They will have other Ara's and a little bantam roo to look after them. Snowy is still broody! She has at least been taking better care of herself this time, but Ii may have to resort to buying her a broody cage to get her over this or it may become a permanent way of life for her.

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