Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Eggs?  Of what do you speak?

Having a flock consisting of 4 x bantams, 1 of which is broody and another of which is molting; eggs are an endangered species around here!

The most eggs I have seen of late are the 8 I purchased to place under said broody :lau

Lol, you are such a scallywag. I too am afflicted with ' nonyolklessitis ' . Half of my wyandotte are broody the half are going into molt. All of my silkies are either raising young or brooding. The old faithful light and coronation sussex are the only ones carrying the ball ATM. Just as well cause hubby made bacon and egg muffins for brekky.
@Teila the plants in mention were all in pots and on top of a bbq. All gone now lol they ate ny mothers day present from son. I had even put wire around it to stop them. They went mission impossible on that one. My sons not impressed hahaha
@Teila the plants in mention were all in pots and on top of a bbq. All gone now lol they ate ny mothers day present from son. I had even put wire around it to stop them. They went mission impossible on that one. My sons not impressed hahaha

Oh No and Wow!! Really? I am pleased I only have bantams for whom flying is a challenge and the only time they do 'jump' is if the meal worms are not being delivered fast enough

Those are some determined, devious gals you have on your hands!

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