Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

! It was a great 32 today so they had to cool off LOL

Actually they were great blokes. I know most of them from previous jobs I had 8 Palm trees dropped and they regularly cut the driveway back.

I have a water chiller that I opened the glass doors and said help your selves They were very greatful for unlimited supply of cold water today

Fancy. I kept a few top end smaller ones and a base one the will make a great table

Megacakes the lot was chipped ( other than what I kept ) neighbour used it on her garden.
Some of the fun today



Hmmm, might need to send them my way, my hubby is away at the moment and I have a huge Norfolk pine in my yard that needs to go, too close to the house. Could certainly do with the eye candy ;)

22 weeks and still no eggs from Cho or Ginny :(

So I have some new additions! :-D of course they were the centre of attention the second i let my flock out. This is the age my chook lady told me theyd need to be to handle being introduced (i wanted them last month, she said wait til this age) now im seeing them together i dunno if im just being an overprotective mummy or not but they still look too little, im afraid they might get beat up pretty bad.

My original thoughts were that since most of my flock are roos, they prob wouldnt pick on the new hens so bad. Really my hens arent all that much bigger but the new ones just look so tiny so id appreciate ur opinions.

Obviously this is the first time ive added chooks to an existing flock.. i will be keeping them seperated but accessible for a couple days at least. Thanks guys!

welcome to byc my bird
enjoy the site....see you around...

Goooood morning folks

I am definitely up there with all you other crazy chicken people. While I do document some of the antics around here, it is nowhere near what actually goes on and yes, I am sure my neighbours wonder about me also!

Wow Outpost JWB that is one chilly rooster! Glad to hear that he is OK.

Nice pics Luke. Is he whispering sweet nothings in her ear?

Congrats on the new hens RodneyRooster. Integration is tricky and depends on personalities in the existing flock and new additions. I have found it helps to have a water pistol handy to break up any serious scuffles; a wet warning shot works wonders on my gals when they are broody/cranky

Sam I saw your pictures during the week and was going to mention eye candy but then I thought it might be inappropriate, they may be family etc. Then I see K Spot and others have jumped in, so I will also …. I don’t have a tree that needs removing but if the team you have there were coming to remove it, I am sure I could find one!

K Spot I am pleased to hear that your Dad is OK; that sounded pretty serious and must have been very scary for you, him and your family!

Sjturner79 congrats on the bubs … adorable!

I have no news of note … Cilla is over half way, 11 days to go!
Dusty is fully recovered and back to her whingy self … it is never a good day in Dustyville
Well I've had to trim some girls wings (think I've done it right). Ive found 2 chickens over next door neighbors. So those 2 got snipped. Then I was checking my herbs which are quite high and found eggs on a roof. So that chicken got snipped too.

anyone would think they don't have enough room.... the whole backyard is clearly not big enough lol
Thanks @birdman55! I have been searching for answers to my questions and looking up any tips I could find about certain things in BYC for the last 6 months here and there but thought only now i should join so i could share my own posts :)

Thanks @Teila ill definitely make sure i have one handy! Great idea.

Haha yes i also thought about the eye candy and refrained from comment.. for a while :p

@K Spot i send you my strength and best wishes

Goooood morning folks

Sjturner79 congrats on the bubs … adorable!

I have no news of note … Cilla is over half way, 11 days to go!
Dusty is fully recovered and back to her whingy self … it is never a good day in Dustyville
Love that pic Teila - it will be me in about two weeks when I have a midsemester exam. I think I'll keep the pic handy for a chuckle when I need it.
Funny how an incubation perdiod goes so much faster when it's not your eggs growing.
hope you only get girls!!!

Well I've had to trim some girls wings (think I've done it right). Ive found 2 chickens over next door neighbors. So those 2 got snipped. Then I was checking my herbs which are quite high and found eggs on a roof. So that chicken got snipped too.

anyone would think they don't have enough room.... the whole backyard is clearly not big enough lol
I'm sure there must be some expression about giving a chicken an arm, and they take the arm and both legs too. It seems like there is no such thing as enough!

@sjturner79 - congrats on the cute chicks. Your hen looks sweet too.
So nice that she has a bub.
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