Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

I sell fertile eggs and often get people telling me "no pointy eggs" because they've heard they make male chickens (*EYEROLL*).  Please.  Some of my chickens ONLY lay very pointy eggs.  So annoying.

Ha! That's ridiculous. I've never had anyone say no pointy eggs, I'd be asking them politely to find the nearest lake :)
Ha! That's ridiculous. I've never had anyone say no pointy eggs, I'd be asking them politely to find the nearest lake
That's about the response they got. :D

Poor little dogs. As if he didn't know the quarantine procedures. You would think that placing them in quarantine would be fair enough rather than destroying them.
Lovely pics as always Fancy
I'm pretty sure that once quarantine starts it cannot be interrupted and it's (IIRC, 6 months) - that's why when I moved here I rehomed my cat and didn't bring him with me. I figured the stress of quarantine would be too much.

This all reminds me that I need to take Diabeetus Pug outside for a potty. He had surgery today to remove a tumour from his foot. I love the bandage the vet put on his foot. It includes (but is not limited to) a plastic bag, duct tape and packing tape.

Considering the RSPCA visit I got after a well meaning but ignorant neighbour called concerned about bumblefoot procedures - I may now have to say, "Yes he just had surgery. No, I didn't do it. I paid someone for that bandage." XD

He looks so guilty. Like, "Geeze mom. I'm sorry I just cost you a crapton of money." You SHOULD be, you little sausage dog. Go pull a sled or something and earn your keep.
Oh I hope they don't put them down because they weren't the arrogant ones.

Of course they won't put them down lol. Dude has his own private chartered jet, he can easily get them a flight out of here in first class with a babysitter. It really isn't even worth mentioning its so unlikely to happen but it's got all these people signing petitions online and taking focus away from the fact of what he did. I mean he took them straight out to where they are most likely to come in contact with other dogs at a grooming salon for Petes sake!

Bit I don't understand is why haven't they been impounded into quarentine till their flight? If you had smuggled that cat @tandykins I bet you wouldnt have been allowed to keep it at your house till the flight home? Either the dogs are a quarentine risk or they aren't. Why let him keep exposing Australia for another 50 hrs?
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Of course they won't put them down lol. Dude has his own private chartered jet, he can easily get them a flight out of here in first class with a babysitter. It really isn't even worth mentioning its so unlikely to happen but it's got all these people signing petitions online and taking focus away from the fact of what he did. I mean he took them straight out to where they are most likely to come in contact with other dogs at a grooming salon for Petes sake!

Bit I don't understand is why haven't they been impounded into quarentine till their flight? If you had smuggled that cat @tandykins I bet you wouldnt have been allowed to keep it at your house till the flight home? Either the dogs are a quarentine risk or they aren't. Why let him keep exposing Australia for another 50 hrs?

Agree with you appps.
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That's about the response they got. :D I'm pretty sure that once quarantine starts it cannot be interrupted and it's (IIRC, 6 months) - that's why when I moved here I rehomed my cat and didn't bring him with me. I figured the stress of quarantine would be too much. This all reminds me that I need to take Diabeetus Pug outside for a potty. He had surgery today to remove a tumour from his foot. I love the bandage the vet put on his foot. It includes (but is not limited to) a plastic bag, duct tape and packing tape. Considering the RSPCA visit I got after a well meaning but ignorant neighbour called concerned about bumblefoot procedures - I may now have to say, "Yes he just had surgery. No, I didn't do it. I paid someone for that bandage." XD He looks so guilty. Like, "Geeze mom. I'm sorry I just cost you a crapton of money." You SHOULD be, you little sausage dog. Go pull a sled or something and earn your keep.
Poor fella hope he is all better soon.
Pullet egg question so australorps 1st egg was the same size/shape as my bantams eggs. A little pointy. Tiday an egg the same colour but quite round but still not huge was in the coop. Im hoping it was her 2nd egg and not an egg from the new black hen (supposed araucana) i will cry.
Pullet egg question so australorps 1st egg was the same size/shape as my bantams eggs. A little pointy. Tiday an egg the same colour but quite round but still not huge was in the coop. Im hoping it was her 2nd egg and not an egg from the new black hen (supposed araucana) i will cry.

Pullet eggs vary in size shape and texture. It can take a while before the ' machine ' is in full gear.
Oh I hope they don't put them down because they weren't the arrogant ones.

I don't like it Fancy as your are right it's not the dogs fault However the issue is that they can't stay here and usually the country they return to won't accept them as they have been on foreign soil . It's a catch 22. I do hope America will accept them back in for it's the only way they won't be put down.
Morning folks

Lols .. “pointy eggs makes male chickens”

Hhhhm, so that being the case, all of the eggs Dusty has laid will have been boys!
Also, doesn’t quite explain how my hatching rooster to pullet ratio is balanced well over on the rooster side and none of the eggs I have given my broodies were pointy.

I shall go out and mention to Dusty that she must stop laying boy eggs

On the Johnny Depp Dogs subject, when I heard about it on the radio, I jumped on the internet to check it out, see the dogs etc.

It’s funny; I was kind of expecting to see big Pit Bulls with studded collars or similar not adorable little terriers :)

Anyways, I agree with NOT putting the dogs down, as suggested, they were not the arrogant ones.

While I understand his wanting to have his dogs with him, he broke the law and a very important law!

Granted, his dogs are probably in better health than others and have their own 24 hour Vet on staff but if we let him keep his dogs here, we might as well let anyone and everyone bring in their dogs without quarantine.

In my opinion, his dogs now need to go into quarantine here before they are flown back to the United States. We need them here in quarantine to ensure they have not bought anything in and if they have, what it was; where they have been; take action etc. If he is allowed to just fly them back into the States without being checked out here, we will have no idea if they did or did not have something. Sending them back to the States is just compounding the issue even more. While there is the possibility that they did not bring anything in, by letting them fly back without quarantine, you are risking them taking something back.
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